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Outdated Racial Crossover Mod v1.0 Of Mice and Goats
Allows modded races to talk with each other. 10 races and counting!
- 4/5,
Its an awesome mod, but there are some more races that should be supported, such as Felins, Lucario, Lopunny, and a few others. Heck, the Lucario and Lopunny don't even support themselves, but thats a review for them. I can't wait to see what you add to this later.
-Mortavi -
- 5/5,
This is a very good mod, finally! i can talk to other custom species!
anyway, could you ask the Ningen mod author to implement this? cause it's my favourite mod. if you do, YOU DA REAL MVP -
- 4/5,
this mods works really well, but does it work with the Mantizi? the race is really cool, and I think they should be added if they're not already. other than that, this mod is awesome for all my modded races.
- 5/5,
This mod not only works amazingly, it also functions as a good resource for linking some of the better and more lore-fitting races, out there.
I would almost suggest to add support for Novakids++, but since they'll be coming into the main game very shortly, I suppose that can wait until Chucklefish releases their version of them. -
- 5/5,
This mod is great!
Now, my home planet can become a sprawling metropolis. And it will. -
- 5/5,
This mod is AWESOME!! Thanks you so much I have the races talkin now! :D Awesome mod commending it to ALL mah friends
- 5/5,
I love this mod, it makes the modded races all the much better. I was wondering if you could possibly add the race called the Amfin. It's my favorite race and would appreciate if you could talk to the owner of that mod and see if you guys could work together :)
Author's Response
Thank you very much! We think that it does add some fun stuff (and are hoping to keep playing with adding more cool things in the future!) As for adding races, we mostly are suggesting that people leave a link and the suggestion to join in on the other modders' page! In general people are welcome to join in if they would like to! :)
- 5/5,
I love you guys you got all my favorite races talking together! Awesome you all got connected ;) Next step Dungeon Crossover Mod (all these races dungeons can spawn for any of them!) I basically have this going on my setup but no idea how to make it into a usable mod>< I went into the pak and added them all to the dung folder and .planetgen whitelist. Lets see if yall can do it!
Author's Response
Thank you very much! By the Dungeon Crossover Mod do you mean being able to have any of their settlements appear when you have them all installed? Or do you mean being able to spawn a Grey settlement filled with kobolds? The first we already (should) have set up (barring any accidental code-testing uploads), and the second... would be a little weird!
And I will make no comments at this time about future multi-race settlements. So don't ask about that. Ahem. ;)
- 5/5,
Thank you for this much appreciated mod, allowing several players creations to work together to better the entire community of modders and players :)
Author's Response
Thank you very much! It's been quite a fun experience honestly just being able to talk over the mod ideas and everything!
- 5/5,
I love that you added the avali to this, could you also please add the munari they are really well done like these races (Varen not so much) and have an awesome ship to boot lets get em all talkin!.
Author's Response
I have some good news for you if you haven't happened to see it! The Munari have joined on and will definitely be in the next update (which will likely be coming quite soon, given that I'm looking at their responses right now!).
- 5/5,
Looks awesome, but can you add Mass Effect mods races? It would be awesome. :)
Author's Response
Sure! The way we are handling things is letting race mod owners come to us and then having each person provide the lines for their own race. If you'd like Mass Effect Races to join in, ask them if they would like to!
- 5/5,
Been stalking the thread on the forum, had introduced me to some newer races (That I had not yet added to my mod folder) that I somehow overlooked.
- 5/5,
As one of the co-writers on this project, I gotta say it's awesome! :) It will allow us to interact with each others race and by doing so bring them alive! Thanks to CaptainKobold for putting this together!