Play as NPCs
Craft a NPC vending machine at Skittle's Mega Crafter for 300 pixels. You can purchase all clothing items from there.
I do see the irony.
Any item labled as a Costume, is a pants slot item that transforms you into the npc exactly as they are seen in game. Some extra animations were made for swimming etc etc. To make things less confusing, all costume icons have a gold border. All costumes are dyable, although naturally only 1 colour can changed... and I hope I picked the right one. >_>
Outfits are based on the npc that they are named after, and include a head, chest, leg and sometimes a back item.
*Known issues: holding something while wearing a costume looks a little odd.
Baron Costume + Baron Outfits
Esther Costume
Esther Costume + Outfits
Lana Costume + Lana Outfits + Lana hair for Apex and Humans
Nox Costume + Nox Outfits + Nox hair for Humans
Nuru Costume + Nuru Outfits +Nuru hair for Florans
Tonauac Costume
Apex Mutant Costume
Moontant Costumes
2 Shop Stop Outfit 1 and 2 + Hair
Shipyard Captain Outfit 1 and 2 + Hair
Lab Tech Outfit 1 and 2 + Hair
Terramart Hair for Florans
Terrifying No-Eye Hat (you can look just like the guards!)
Shady Licence Dealer
Moontant Hats
Serpent Robot
Po Golem
Caretaker Outfit (Dyable)
Froggs Outfits
Alpaca Outfits
Poptop Costume
Mutant Miner Outfit
Fennix Costume
Custom Ship Captain pants 1 + 2
Penguin Costume
Captain Noble
New costumes variants to be used with a set of arms
Mutant Apex
Esther v1 v2
Look for the teal border. Combine them with the arms chest piece.
Nuru's arm rotates off her body.
Esther arms jiggle like jelly.
Koichi and Tonauac are too tall for custom arms
If you have any suggestions, comments or critiques I would love to hear from you.
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Chucklefish Games Profile
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Play as an NPC 2.2.1
Live your RP needs
Recent Updates
- Shifted Moontant masks Mar 11, 2023
- Hello Captain Noble! Dec 2, 2019
- This mod now requires Skittle's Mega Crafter Jan 21, 2019