First off, let me start by saying that this mod was inspired by TCG's Chicken Clones mod.
Second, my awesome friend BurningX did the art for the Breeding Nets and Net Gun and the Net Gun's Net projectile.
Raise, breed, and profit off your own unique space chickens!
Once you have access to the outpost then you will be able to find Scotty the Avian explorer.
He's heard some pretty interesting rumors about these rare chickens so you might want to make your way there pretty quickly. He should provide you with the recipes to craft the incubator, chicken nest, and feather compressor through a series of quests.
Chicken Nest, Feather Compressor, Incubator
You'll place a fertile egg and it's corresponding ore (coal for normal/rooster) into the incubator to produce a hatchable egg.
To get more fertile eggs from your chickens you will use the net gun to shoot a net at your chickens, once you've netted them then you can place them into the nest (1 x chicken of a certain type and 1 x rooster - there's only one rooster) to produce more fertile eggs which then can be incubated and hatched. DO NOT NET A BABY, they will not survive.I'm trying to figure out a workaround for that at the moment.
Copper, Iron, Gold, Diamond
Chickens will roam around as usual, however, they will occasionally become ready for harvest and will drop feathers! (you must press E on them to harvest) Once you have 5 of a certain feather you can then take them and put them into the feather compressor. Press compress and watch the bar/refined element appear before your eyes!
Lastly you will find the eggs that you are not able to find in the quests in chests out on planets! Explore and find them all!
That's basically it for now! The included chickens are as follows:
Normal Chickens
Normal Rooster
Copper Chickens
Silver Chickens
Robot (Iron) Chickens
Golden Chickens
Diamond Chickens
Tungsten Chickens
Titanium Chickens
Durasteel Chickens
Aegisalt Chickens
Ferozium Chickens
Violium Chickens
Solarium Chickens
Poultrygeist Chickens
Crystal Chickens
That's about it... for now. Expect big things! Please let me know of any comments, concerns, etc. Especially if you're enjoying it!
Future plans:
HYBRIDS! (Diamond-solarium and beyond!)
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Pet Chickens 3.5
Today's your clucky day!
Recent Updates
- Minor Fixes Mar 27, 2021
- Minor Update - 3.0.6 Sep 2, 2020
- Minor Update - 3.0.5 Sep 2, 2020