Hi Hi Everyone one
Here the next update.
so what is new this time lol
- PBR Processing Station working again i've got more recipes to add to this but for now it should be working like it used to.
- new intro when you start the game and if people want you can now put a song of your choice as the music you hear when the game starts. I'll add a how to for this on the over view page sometime soon.
- new interface windows for all the PBR Tech stations,
- started to colour items in the PBR Tech stations for example in the forge all tools are one colour, liquid guns another, weapons another and so on, i'm yet to do this with everything but that will slowly happen in the up and coming updates.
- The PBR mining Gus works like they used to, by this i mean they drop what they remove now instead of just destroying everything
Shark Suit
Supergirl Suit
Santa Suit
Hair Clips
All PBR Mats can be painted now
New Tech
PBR Skyrail Ridertech
PBR Hover Tech
and new superhero's tech and weapons (this range will be expanded slowly over time
tech card for Supergirl powers
PBR Squirt Guns
The old PBR Liquid guns are still in the mod so you can pick which you rather use
Stackable Game Stations
These are back in and working you can craft them the same way as you craft the normal game versions.
New Ship Upgrade quests
These are a way of getting to either redo the ship upgrades if you need to or another way instead of having to get diamonds for that other person.
The licences you get from these will come as a reward you can stick on the wall of your ship or home, atm only the final licence has been done the rest should be finished by the next update.
New logic switches
New door/hatch
New Pets foods
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PBR Starbound Mod V2.1.05
liquids, weapons, tools, armor, instruments, ABC Music, Music Items, add your own music & many more.