This mod allows the use of most 'organic' items - logs, vines, plant matter, and 'compressed organic' items, such as fossils, sewage, and ancient bones as fuel.
This mod also re-enables coal as fuel and adds the ability to use core fragments as well.
This is currently still a .rar file for easy editing if people want to tweak it, but I can make it a .modpak if requested.
Full list of items that now give fuel in this mod:
Liquids: All 'water', including swamp and healing water (1 fuel unit), milk (1), slime (1), oil (2) and lava (3). That is, all liquids excluding poison - it corrodes the fuel tank and it's not good for the engine.
All types of logs, including 'alien' and 'rainbow' (1 fuel unit)
Alien wood sap (1)
Coal (2)
Gunpowder (1)
Core fragments (1) Finally, a use for those!
Fossil ore (2) - grind up those dino bones! (is this still obtainable now that fossils are in?)
Ancient bones (2)
Floran vine blocks, plant blocks, plant matter and plant platforms (1)
Cacti blocks (1)
Coconut blocks (1)
Magmarock (2) - not quite as effective as regular magma
Sewage (3)
Tar (2)
Waste and toxic waste (2)
Q. Does this work in multiplayer?
A. Only if the server has it installed. If you're running this mod on someone else's server that doesn't have the mod installed, it won't actually work.
Q. Why can't I use wood planks as fuel?
A. Because you can't set a decimal as a fuel integer, and it wouldn't make sense to give it as much as logs.
Q. Why does sewage give so much?
A. Those outhouses sure aren't doing anything useful. I gave it three units because it's not particularly common. I may edit this if requested.
Q. I don't want to have poo stinking up my hyperdrive.
A. You can still use anything else as fuel. Wuss.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Organic Fuel (Glad Giraffe compatible!) 1.3
Use wood, coal, plant matter, core fragments, sewage, lava, oil, etc. as fuel.
Recent Updates
- Cheerful Giraffe compatible + Fuel hatch UI change! Jul 27, 2016
- New assets update Dec 19, 2015
- Compatibility + coal and liquids! Feb 3, 2015