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Ore Plants+ (RAM's version) 1.65 fix

Converts stuff into seeds. Farm stuff!

  1. saaadel
    Version: v1.64
  2. Marsfault
    Version: v1.63
  3. Hyphen1
    Version: V1.62 (1.4 fix!)
    Works great. Didn't expect the balance to be great given the premise but it actually seems to mesh well with the vanilla progression.
  4. CopperBoltwire
    Version: 1.60
    I JUST realized I never put a review down.
    I love this mod, so much so I ended up making a cheated version of the mod. greenRAM was so nice to put a link in the description to my mod. It's basically a mod of a mod.
    Personally, I hope our mods don't stop working... ever. Love both of 'em!
  5. Dragon56
    Version: 1.60
    Спасибо за такой классный мод! :)
  6. Tarmizie
    Version: 1.53
    Awesome mod
  7. Multistream
    Version: 1.44
    Great mod, but very OP. There is one thing you can get very early game and convert to seed. After an hour of gameplay you will have a lot of seeds of this thing and it will give you LOADS of money. It is better than moneyseed. Warning spoiler dont read!!!
    This thing is reward bag. Earn some, convert to seeds, grow some, make more seeds, after hour of gameplay you will have full inventory of reward bags. Opening them all gives you huge amount of money
    1. greenRAM
      Author's Response
      That's true. I tend to play on short bursts with perma-death so anything that helps speed up progression without skipping any aspects of the game altogether feels balanced to me. There are a lot of OP exploits in this mod similar to the one you mentioned.
  8. Grimicle
    Version: 1.40
    Love it! I like to try to make mining dungeons that go deep into high tier planets so the deeper you go the better ore plants are at higher tiers I also use action spawners to create trap rooms.
  9. BlueYoshi68
    Version: 1.38
    Please update for 1.2 and I will change my rating
    1. greenRAM
      Author's Response
      Sounds like something is broken. Care to let me know what it is in the "Discussions" tab? I don't have a lot of time to spare on gaming or mods right now, so whatever information can speed up the process in updating this would be appreciated.
  10. YourDemise
    Version: 1.37 fix
    Awesome mod! Was looking for a set of mods that would allow automation of everything and this is the last piece of the puzzle
  11. Yurioppoor
    Version: 1.32
    Farming takes on a whole new meaning with this :D good work!
  12. enzoborges
    Version: 1.29
    umm how do i find infinty express i never heard about that can you pls tell me where this place is
    1. greenRAM
      Author's Response
      Discuss in the Discussion tab. It's a part of the base game, so others can also let you know if you're having trouble.
  13. jintoya
    Version: 1.29
    i reviewed this a long time ago, but it has come such a long way, i feel i should review again.
    you used to update every day or two.....a habit you have up-kept, i applaud your tenacity.
    your mod is one that i can no longer enjoy this game without, and now neither can my fiance, i usually dont hand out 5's but i feel like you have earned it

    on a side note, i think the food stacking is easily solved without messing with the mod as it stands, might not be a bad idea to ask the author of the food stacking machine mod if you could link his mod here though...just a suggestion, then it is no longer an issue.
    1. greenRAM
      Author's Response
      Thanks! I take breaks when I'm not playing starbound, but when I start playing starbound again I find myself adding more to this mod as I play. I guess it helps that I work on this for myself first and then upload it second. Lot of modders seem to get burnt out when they start feeling like they're just working for free for others.
  14. Asterixbit6387
    Version: 1.29
    There is no seed for refined Ferozium, can you fix this?
    1. greenRAM
      Author's Response
      Discuss in the Discussion tab.
  15. Liton
    Version: 1.27
    I love this mod, but I have one question that I can't find the answer to. How do we make seeds of supported items that don't stack to 10 but seem to require 10? (Pickaxes, drills, flashlights, bacon pancakes, stations, etc?) Thanks in advance! <3
    1. greenRAM
      Author's Response
      Most only use one instead of ten. To balance that I made their drops much slower. The food and produce still all has their original recipe of 10, but only stacks to 1 now. I'm not sure I'm going to address this change in 1.0 or not. I might just suggest using a mod that lets you stack food and produce again. I could also go through the plants and balance them to fit vanilla. I'll have to think about it.
  16. dealy6
    Version: 1.27
    i love it
  17. Asterixbit6387
    Version: 1.26
    Excellent Mod! However, does not seem to work for 1.0 stable, because the seed machine and converter do not appear in terramart.
    Could you upload this this to steam workshop as well?
    1. greenRAM
      Author's Response
      I'm on it. It might take me a little bit still. Sorry for the delay.
  18. ViliusBulve
    Version: 1.26
    Very very good
  19. LimeDraft
    Version: 1.26
    I think that mod a good, but there is an error: Fatal Exeption caught: (StarException) An error occured during loading: (ItemException) Cloud not create Blueprint item from recipce Causet by: (ItemException) No such item 'bakseedseed'
    Help please(Sorry of my english, just i'm russian)
    1. greenRAM
      Author's Response
      With a casual glance, I see that there isn't a recipe for a bakseedseed. Try using the discussions for reporting problems. The review isn't a good place to figure out what went wrong. One thing I'd like to know is if you're using other mods. Also, if you're using nighty. And, if I could see your error log it may help.
  20. Nuto
    Version: 1.26
    This fun, more fun if a plants growing a monster or npc.
    1. greenRAM
      Author's Response
      To do that idea right needs some scripting that's maybe beyond the scope of this mod. This mod is script free for now. I've done what I can with the NPC summoning objects in the game though. What I'd really love to do eventually is to create a rare and dangerous world where these plants grow wild. That might add the right amount of insanity and still be within the scope of the project.