Dread mining no longer as this mod changes the following recipes in the furnace so that they only require one instead of two of their raw materials to make mining feel less like a chore.
Glass - 1 Sand = 1 Glass
Fired Clay - 1 Clay = 1 Fired Clay
Volatile Powder - 1 Core Fragment = 1 Volatile Powder
Copper Bar - 1 Copper Ore = 1 Copper Bar
Gold Bar - 1 Gold Ore = 1 Gold Bar
Iron Bar - 1 Iron Ore = 1 Iron Bar
Silver Bar - 1 Silver Ore = 1 Silver Bar
Tungsten Bar - 1 Tungsten Ore = 1 Tungsten Bar
And all the rest of the bars.
... You get the idea.
This is my first mod so if you like it, tell me in the comments and if you loved it, give it five stars!
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OneForOne v1.0
Changes smelting recipes so they require only one ore or other raw material instead of two!