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Neko Species. öååööååööååöåöååöåöåöåöåö

Catgirls and catbois. Nekospecies. NekoGrills?!

  1. PureDrake
    Check out the steam workshop page for better description.
    And more.
    So technically I have revived the mod from the dead-
    Alright so here is what the mod includes.
    Catgrills and catbois (Humanoid 'ish cats),
    Custom sword (kind of).
    A Ship! From the lovely artist deliriousbiznasty <3.
    Here is what is expermental as in (I have no clue how to do this yet I'm still in learning stage).
    Villagers and villages.
    Here is what I've planned to do for the mod if I really feel like doing it.
    Some custom interaction with npcs.
    A whole village which is not borrowed from kawas felin mod.
    Minor jokes here and there. Inspection tool custom lines.
    Of course original content.
    Thanks to:
    * Kawa for lending me some of the assets because im lazy and being a sensei.
    * deliriousbiznasty, for being such an amazing artist and lending me the ship files version. If you'd like you can check her out ->
    * Aaesos for at least trying to keep this up-to-date.
    * Gonjamoon for not having "any ask for permission".
    * ODABUTSU for making hairstyles, eyes and for making many others stuff.
    "Is that about Neko race mod? If it be so about old hairstyles please use this freely." -Odabutsu 2016
    Thanks <3
    * Devs: "Pretty self explainatory".
    If you ever encounter some bugs. Please just contact me on my steam profile
    Know'n incompatibilities.
    Any type of mod that modifies the ship that means that you'll get stuck in a endless loop because the ship AI does not know were it is and the spaceship will not stop hyperlooping. Just stick to the ship parts already in the mod please.
    If you going to use some of the custom stuff coming up you do need to get my consent if they are custom. Or just give me a shoutout or something I really do not mind that much.
    btw I'm currently in learning stage of how this modding works but I do know the generall consepts of working with codes and such.
    I had a summer job for a metrological institute.
    But I have never used lua or json which is odd I've mostly only coded with scripts in linux enviroment and of course the good old coding language C++ C# and so on C .
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.


    1. 20160829200104_1.jpg
    2. 20160829195939_1.jpg
    3. 20160829185651_1.jpg
    4. 20160904141203_1.jpg
    socom55, Kaireo and Saint Apollyon like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Zanman
    Version: öååööååööååöåöååöåöåöåöåö
    Great to see this mod back. I also got the bug for opening the navigation window and currently making do with a "cheated in" captain chair from the floran race. for those who want to now how, type (/admin) without the parentheses in the console/message box and go to the wooden crafting table where you make only furniture at.
  2. IHaveCripplingDepression
    Version: öååööååööååöåöååöåöåöåöåö
    That's a good mod. But what's with the "Ruin" ship
  3. nova666
    Version: Ehh
    Great Mod Overall, But Please For The Love Of God Fix The Freakin Packet Crash When You Attempt To Open The Star Map Console In The Cockpit, It Makes It A Real Pain In The Ass And I Really Want To Progress With This Mod But Due To This Literal Game Breaking Bug, I Can't. Please Fix This As Soon As Possible.
    1. PureDrake
      Author's Response
      Boss pls help I be poor boy with computer.
      Seriously though send DM to me with crash report I have completely ignored this mod for so long now.
  4. jrs3010
    Version: Ehh
    It keeps crashing if I try to use the ship travel. Otherwise, I enjoyed it. Though because of this crash I am most likely gonna uninstall as it stops progression.
  5. CringyM
    Version: Ehh
    good but Idk how to do this with the tentacle ship or the cancer pack neko cause it keeps crashing. Help
  6. totolo5656
    Version: 433.1337
    like neko!!
  7. Psychoman53
    Version: 433.1337
    can you update to 1.3 plz, I can't further the new mech quest
    1. PureDrake
      Author's Response
      Is ok I fix
  8. lockclamp
    Version: 433.1337
    great mod but i prefer the felin mod the space ship is strange
  9. JoshBaz
    Version: 433.1337
    cool nekos
  10. Blackwatch27
    Version: 433.1337
    Impressive Mod and the village Great i love it and tentacle ship is disturbing because of flesh inside the ship
    Keep the Great Work