I'm Back!
Okay, I have been gone for a while messing around and have returned with Scythes. Yeah not the best, sorry... These are one-handed scythes so you can feel as badass as possible wielding these weapons. Duel wield them if you wish but I just love them so far. Hope you will too!
What is done so far?
- Wooden Scythe
- Stone Scythe
- Copper Scythe
- Iron Scythe
- Steel Scythe
- Titanium Scythe
- Durasteel Scythe
- Aegisalt Scythe
- Violium Scythe
- Rubium Scythe
- Ferozium Scythe
- Impervium Scythe
- Cerulium Scythe
How do we get these Scythes?
First craft yourself the Scythe Rack from the Crafting Table in the Crafting Menu (Key 'C')
In this new crafting table you will find all my scythes with pretty cheap requirements.
I have also tried to balance them as much as possible. Wooden looks nice but not very practical so do not think this will allow you to one shot the enemies near by (you will die...).
Stone Scythe is your best bet for starting and copper will greatly help. Iron will allow you to relax a bit more on your started planet.
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MScythe [UpbeatGiraffe] V0.03 Patch : 001
Basic, pretty balanced Scythes. Tiers later.
Recent Updates
- Patch : 001 Dec 7, 2015
- Weapon Replacement Jul 29, 2015
- Copper & Iron Scythe Replacement (Energy) Jul 29, 2015