I'm up way to early Got an update for you guys, more songs and a lil somethin extra.
1.7 - New tracks & A craftable music box
- Added 19 new tracks
- Added a craftable music box that plays all MoarMusic tracks.
- Some songs have been rearranged to new biomes again.
To craft the music box simply press C and sacrifice 5 of your precious pixels, anytime anywhere.
I also added a MoarMusic subfolder so you guys don't have to make your own any more.
* I should note that, since the music box is an object the music will play as a sfx. So to change the volume of the music box you'll need to adjust sfx volume in the game options.
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Outdated Moar Music 2.0-Spirited Giraffe
100 More biome tracks to listen to as you explore.