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Outdated Mo Destructables! 1.0

More destructables for your planets! Enrich your exploring experience!

  1. MoonGeek
    Yes, I know Destructible isn't spelled Destructable.
    Mo' Destructables gives your planets brand new destructibles to find and destroy!
    Current version 1.0 contains:

    -Gold Rock
    -Iron Pole
    -Lump Of Coal
    -Medium Rock
    -Small Rock
    -An Old Box!
    -Rotted Wood

    Image is with increased spawn rate, actual mod does not spawn this many items.
    External download:
    Install Instructions:
    Unzip into mods folder!

    All surface biome files

Recent Updates

  1. Increased spawn rate

Recent Reviews

  1. Paris2106
    Version: 1.0
    Please update to the most recent version of Starbound, I really ant to use this awesome mod but I cant :'(
  2. oniya
    Version: 1.0
    thanks for new tree! :)