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Outdated Mini dozer 1.2 - update
Terraforming on a more human scale.
- 5/5,
Really great mod. Not for me personally because it seems a bit unbalanced and can pretty much replace everything digging, but that doesn't make it a bad concept.
- 4/5,
Nice, and for Upbeat Giraffe we have to download this from here : Thanks you ! (Sorry if i took the link without permission..)
- 3/5,
I've always been a fan of your dozer mods, though I would -love- to see the bigger one updated. It was so much more useful for base building!
- 5/5,
Looks like a great mod I'd love to have it, but it doesn't work hope it can be fixed
Author's Response
I PROMISE you it does work. Download the version posted father down in the comments.
- 5/5,
It's a fu#&ing bulldozer! (Nice mod, made my gameplay more real than the real life)
- 5/5,
Nice work! I really love this mod! ♥
The link in discussion page work!-
Author's Response
thanks for the link, i really don't get why it's not working here.
- 3/5,
It's still broken, just tried downloading it and got this error log. -
- 5/5,
At the moment the mod is broken, your tech files are missing a name which is why you get an error that says blah blah blah (name). and after you fix that you will probably have another error :p. I don't know what up, but mech and such don't seem to be working in this update :/ keep up the good work and let me know if you fix this.
Author's Response
I have since updated it.. the version that is up on the "Download Now" link should work.
Author's Response
try downloading the mod now... there is a new version. if it's a folder that says minidozer then it's the right one. if it have other files than JUST that folder it's the old one.
- 5/5,
This is, and always has been, one of my all time favorite mods. So glad to see it update. Thank you!
Author's Response
thank you :)
- 2/5,
I'd love to use this for making my base but, as the last two reviews say, the mod doesn't allow Starbound to function and comes up with an error. The only thing I can think of is that I'm on the Unstable build.
Author's Response
Feel Free to try again... It's been updated.
- 2/5,
i went to launch starbound with this mod and then it came up with the error yo get when a mod isn't for that version...
- 2/5,
I dont know why but i cant find the tech card in any crafting menu
and btw will u update the big brother of the minidozer to?:3-
Author's Response
you should just have to press "C" and then craft it there (it's a key)
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