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Maverick-Hunters MMX 11.0.3

Featuring Armors, Techs (Ride Armors, Zero- and X-"Modes") and Weapons of the MMX/Z/ZX games

  1. Wire_Wolf
    Version: 2.1
    is rly good
  2. quasimetal
    Version: 2.1
    Works fine and i love being able to kill stuff with the z-buster. Do you plan to make the charging sound for the busters and the death sound upon death.
    1. Crystan
      Author's Response
      I'll not using any of the original sounds but ill try to recreate them or look for a free alternative. Sadly it looks like the SB engine have no support for a charge sound atm, although there are "charge sounds" for the bow available as wav, so expect they add them sometime in the future.
  3. AmegaG
    Version: 2
    Love the sprites of the armor and weapons, but trying to make it work seems to be a problem at the moment. i'm using the v1.5 of the tabula rasa currently when i look at the MMX items half of the armor icons don't appear on the craft list and they don't appear on the character. using the buster ends up crashing starbound. i'm wondering if i'm placing the folder in the wrong place in the mods folder of starbound itself.

    But other than that, again love the sprites.
    1. Crystan
      Author's Response
      Thats really weird. Probably you accidentally extracted the zip into a extra folder in mods dir (mods/MMX/MMX/)?
  4. Freyer
    Version: 2
    Was fun to play with a little, but the weapons are too op so I don't want to use them, and for some reason this mod was rejecting the tabularasa mod so I had to edit the modinfo file.
  5. xtomass
    Version: 2
    Great idea and fantastic execution. I hope you can add other megaman characters armors and weapons to the mod.

    Also Covered this mod on my Mod List series.
    (Can I beg thee to add this video to the description of the mod?)
    1. Crystan
      Author's Response
      Probably the some armors for X - but the animations are a really time-consuming thing. ;) Thank you very much for the review and of course i'll add the video to the description!
  6. Vid01
    Version: 2
    Give us Angry Koala version
    1. Crystan
      Author's Response
      V2 works with angry koala - its also noted in the change log
  7. trailblazer57
    Version: 2
    2-d space game and megamanx.. perfect! but i still want rolls clothes and hair...
  8. goldsoul
    Version: 2
    everything else is great but the sabers are op maybe balance them or make it harder to obtain
  9. LekramG
    Version: 1
    Awesome~ Is there any chance you could do Zero's armor?
    1. Crystan
      Author's Response
      Yeah, maybe in the future. Making animations is a lot of work and can be really exhausting. ;)
  10. Kiritoblade
    Version: 1
    any resion i cant download this it keeps comeing up with cannot show attachment D:
    1. Crystan
      Author's Response
      Reload the page with the error until it works, that should work.
  11. MrZerp
    Version: 1
  12. Seria-Myouna
    Version: 1
    Fancy stuff. Very smooth animation and lovely-looking weapons. My only complaint is that the code doesn't allow the Buster to overlap the arm while facing to the left.