I love this mod, yet there's only one problem. This mod makes your character bound to using it. If let's say for example I wanna go multiplayer and gotta remove the mod for a while, my characters would disappear with it. Doesnt matter if I have mod items on this character or not. Please, find it a fix... Other than that it's perfect. And yes, I have read the warnings and all but there must be something in order to cancel that. Maybe some tech quest that lets you remove and add it each time if you already obtained it?
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Maverick-Hunters MMX 11.0.3
Featuring Armors, Techs (Ride Armors, Zero- and X-"Modes") and Weapons of the MMX/Z/ZX games
- 3/5,
- 5/5,
A great mod; a must have for anyone, from people like me who are trying to turn starbound into an straight up rpg with 20 different mods to the casual player or Megaman fan. Are you planning to make an update for unstable or are you waiting for the next stable version?
Author's Response
Thanks for the review! But yeah, the mod is going to support stable updates only, sorry.
- 4/5,
This mod is very Awesome, but when I went to uninstall it I removed EVERYTHING I had in my inventory that was from the mod my character didn't show up afterwards. Could you help me get my Character back?
Author's Response
I'm sorry you lost your save but it looks like you haven't read the mod page which says (between the big red blinking warning signs) that you'll lose your save when you deactivate the mod (its the way SB handles some modded saves). There's currently no way to fix that. You could try to remove the techs/items with a character editor.
- 5/5,
I agree with Zero127. I could use attack power data on the weapons. I love the Kunai, even though it's insanely overpowered :)
The X and Zero modes seem really weak, in comparison. They don't do nearly the damage my character does when I'm using the crafted weapons. Am I doing something wrong?
I really got a kick out of the MMX weapons. Is there a way to get weapons from other X games?-
Author's Response
I haven't really worked on the balancing since the last MMX koala update came out, sorry. And I assume you mean new weapons for the X tech? No, there are no additional weapons. I'm probably going to work on the balancing sometime in the near future but I'm currently busy with other projects.
- 5/5,
Love the addition this brings to my game. Only real complaints are the Busters could use a damage description, and keying off that some balance issies. Right now I just use it all cosmetically, which is fine :) But actual combat usage inline with game difficulty would be amazing. Regardless, 10/5 stars (it only lets me put 5!) Love this mod, highly recommended!
- 5/5,
You have done so much work and let me tell you it looks amazing. 5/5 for your awesomeness. I do love megaman, so thankyou for this wonderful option.
- 4/5,
Its' a very good mod, but i didn't knew that i would literally loose my characters if trying to uninstal, only can play with them with the mod ON now :/
Author's Response
Thats the behavior of SB - not only related to my mod. I think its caused by custom techs. Sorry.
- 3/5,
For some reason, whenever I extrace the MMX mod file into my Mod folder for Starbound, it instantly crashes my Starbound game.. So, in order to even play Starbound I have to remove the mod from my mod folder. Is there a reason why it crashes my game like this? I would love to know how to fix this issue because this mod looks absolutely perfect for the starbound world and I grew up loving megaman. Please help me.
Author's Response
f you're having trouble getting a mod working, ask on the corresponding discussion board of the mod next time. The Review system is really terrible for troubleshooting and is a misusage of it.
Anyway, I replied at the discussion board to your issue. I think we can solve your problem. Theres not much which can cause a startup crash.
- 5/5,
Okay, now I have seen where the Problem was. It was because I had the wrong Game Version installed. I will try it again after reinstall all. ^^
I hope there will come more in future, this Mod is fantastic. ;-) -
- 5/5,
At first i thought it just adds some vanity armor and guns...but then i saw the video...
- 5/5,
Downloaded. Played. Enjoyed every second, minute, hour of it! As huge MegaMan fan, I am so happy that I can blast the enemies with charged shots in Starbound as well, especially that the quality of this mod is amazing. So much work and heart was put into this, it really shows.
Oh, and of course I can't shot upwards xD -
- 5/5,
A an megaman x universe mod. In starbound. Doesn't this is not a greater ever idea?
- 5/5,
I feel strong sense of obligation to pay my full respect to this pure work of passion.
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