This mod is awesome and all, but this also needs compatibility with the new Stable update(Glad Giraffe). Please update this great mod!
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Maverick-Hunters MMX 11.0.3
Featuring Armors, Techs (Ride Armors, Zero- and X-"Modes") and Weapons of the MMX/Z/ZX games
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
how i like get the mech tech :D
this is amaezing u did a nice work no... A FANTASTICK WORK! -
- 5/5,
This mod gives me a reason to play again! oh man i love the rockman/megaman series
- 5/5,
I usually don't shoot for mods like this, since I like to keep them somewhat lore-friendly, but this seemed so well made that I had to check it out. And boy, was I right. It COMPLETELY changes the gameplay for those who want a fresh Starbound experience, and I had hours of fun messing around with it. I recommend everyone who's interested to try it out.
I do have one question, though.
You said, "We won't add anything from the other games Series (Legend, Classic, Starforce etc.) - no matter how hard you beg, sorry!" at the top of the page. But why, though? The ability to, at the very least, make your ship look like the Flutter or the Gesellschaft makes so much sense that it rattles the core of my feeble human brain. -
- 4/5,
This is a really good mod, but I have no clue what it is, or if it's my fault, but whenever I use the X-mode, and I press F, it summons Megaman X, but It shows my avatar riding on top of him. Now, I don't know why that is; but if you want a screenshot I can most likely supply you with one. Also, another thing; The rare metals are EXTREMELY hard to find. I have no clue if that was intended, but I actually used another mod to duplicate mine, due to the lack of finding many rare metals. Sorry for the long review. but otherwise, this mod is perfect. And sorry for being too detailed..
Author's Response
The character appears bug is a starbound vanilla bug. It also happens with the vanilla metroid ball tech. Its caused by techs that modify your player sprites color. The Energy Charge tech is one of them.
The drop rate of the rare metals will be increased in the next mod update.
- 4/5,
Great mod! But I'm not managing to get X2 mode,even having defeated X3, would it be because I still need to do the Stingray mission? Besides, sometimes rare metals do not drop at all, and sometimes it drops 5 rare metals from two enemies in a row.
Any known uncompabilities?-
Author's Response
There is no X2 mode tech. The X tech only features the standard and the first X armor. The other armors are vanity sets and it would require a lot of time to make also techs out of them (maybe sometime in the very far future), because the tech comes with a bunch of its own animation sets that require a lot of time to create.
The drop rate will be increased in the next mod update.
All known incompatibilities are stated on the mod page.
If you have any more questions, feel free to make a post in the mod thread.
- 4/5,
I'm loving this mod!
The only reason I am not giving this mod 5 stars is because I have noticed a few bugs (or maybe just odd behaviors due to technical limitations) however, which make it impossible to play in zero/X mode without switching back and forth.
Generally odd behavior that doesn't feel right:
-In X and Zero mode character cannot interact with any objects (may have been intended that way or just a technical limitation, but... it just feels odd)
-While switching between normal and X/Zero mode character is vulnerable. Considering that all mobility is lost, i think character should be invulnerable or at least the hitbox should follow the beam.
-Jumping near the corners of a straight wall while holding down the direction key towards the wall cancels the jump due to wall slide.
General bugs:
-Switching to either Zero or X mode and back often generates collision sound loop.
In Zero mode (possibly X too) there are some weird mobility issues:
-While in liquid and attempting jump out of it the jump velocity is VERY low making it impossible to jump out of liquid where normal character is able to.
-Pulse Jump has ridiculously low velocity.
-Flying Jump has low velocity on first jump, but if 3 or 4 jumps are used fast enough character is shot into the sky with insane velocity.
-Energy Dash has incredibly low velocity in the air.-
Author's Response
Thanks for your review! Let me explain the reasons for the issues your have with the mod:
1. Thats something that popped up with the new stable. Currently I'm unaware of any way to fix that. So thats something out of my hands.
2. Afaik unvulnerability is still not possible. Could be wrong. I would suggest you should switch your tech on safe places. :P
3. Thats how the code of the wallslide/jump work. I'm not quite sure if its fixable.
4. Could be fixable, but it doesn't happen if you stand still.
5. That kinda require some work on the movement code on both techs. I kinda have already a fix for that in the backhand but i just don't have time to implement it, sorry.
I guess you're talking about the vanilla pulse/air jump/dash techs - don't use it with the X/Z mode - they got their own pulse/dash code which interfere with the vanilla ones. There's no way I can fix that. I initially planned that the mode techs take up all of the 3 tech slots to avoid such problems but sadly i couldn't get it to work.
(Also let me point out that the Zero mode isn't nearly as done as the X mode is, i just released it because I didn't want to let the Zero fans down. Sadly, I run out of time to work on the mod - it will be still updated to work with the new versions but for now I won't expect any new features or bigger bug fixes)
- 4/5,
It's a good mod and everything functions as it should. But I find it very tedious to grind for rare metals. Hardly any enemies drop them frequently and the only ones that are semi-consistant are the flying enemies which don't spawn a lot of the time. Overall it's a good mod but I feel it would be better if you increased the rare metal drop rate.
- 5/5,
Love it but there is a bug I just noticed. I killed Zero and got his item which taught me all the recipes associated with it. One of them said Perfectly Generic Item.
- 5/5,
love this mod and all the work put into it but the Px scarf is the Hx wings for some reason. extremely nit-picky I know but Px is my favorite looking biometal in the ZX series
- 4/5,
Awesome mod. Problem is Monsters are only dropping Rare Metal on Harmless Planets... anything above and theres nothing
Tar Lake
- 5/5,
Great mod, but is it really necessary to replace the text in the title menu? Maybe put the warning somewhere a little less obtrusive?
Author's Response
A lot of people didn't read the mod page and complained about disappearing saves. So I decided to make it as obvious as possible. Until CF finds a better way to handle modded saves, the text will stay like it is now, sorry. ;)
- 5/5,
It's mods like this one that inspire me to make my own mods even better! ^_^
Omega X
- 4/5,
Great mod! There are some fixes needed here and there with the wall jump bugging out, water is a troll, and some weapon damage balancing. Other than that really its great. I am hoping to see more Tech Modes like OX-Mode, HX-Mode. It would be awesome if HX-Mode lets you air dash and do his tornado slash... Or you can replace the whole tech mode with a new mechanic/item that lets you pick what mode to use, similar to how you pick a biometal in ZX and ZX Advent. Oh and wheres Axl? lol. Great job so far!
The L0st 1
- 5/5,
A lot of work went into this Mod and it shows. I think retro space games mods could be a thing for you The car from Blaster Master, The gear from Metroid. The look of the art is clean and very well done. Keep up the good work!!!
Kool-Aid Dolan
- 3/5,
I really do enjoy the concept of this mod. But I can't help but notice the problems in it.
1. When you're in the X or Z form, you literally cannot get out of the water. I don't know if that's a glitch or a feature, but I really don't like the way that works. It's really just a giant pain.
2. I know balancing was already stated to be an issue, but that really does need to be fixed. The bosses can be taken out in a mater of seconds, unless you don't have a strong weapon. They're the biggest glass cannons I've ever seen. The weapons totally need to get nerf'd as well.
3. I like the idea of having so many armor types and weapons, but I wish that you could carry that armor and weapons to X. It's really one of the biggest let downs for me. Maybe have a second menu that lets you customize what armor X has? That would be really neat.
Overall, I really do hope that this mod gets updated more and more. I don't really mind waiting, but I hope that it gets complete.
TL;DR Version
1. In the X/Z forms, you can't get out of the water.
2. Balancing needs to happen. I know it was stated, but it needs to happen.
3. Not being able to add more armor to the X tech.-
Author's Response
1. As far as I know, this is a problem caused by the SB engine. I've tried to fix it myself, but there's nothing I can do about it at the moment. Its annoying, I know - but unfortunately we're limited by the game for this problem alone.
2. I'm quite in a pinch with that one. I want to keep the armors as vanity sets (they would most likely allow you to become too powerful early in the game), which means we'd have to create armor duplicates for the NPCs with stats on them and change the equipment of the boss NPCs. Thats not a huge task but still quite work intensive. And to be honest I wasn't in the mood to do that. ;)
3. While that would be cool, that's just waaaaay too much work for us to handle. Creating the sprite sheets for both techs alone was a huge task. For example, the X tech features around 110 sprite sheets (armor pieces, color variations etc). So just one additional armor set would double that value. Additionally, I'm worried that the tech would become a performance killer.
I can't tell you anything about the update schedules. We're working on the mod (and another mod of ours) when we have the time or in the mood to work on it.
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