Paper water cups give you soggy paper when you're finished with them.
Some Nuu food recipe unlocks have been shuffled around.
Gallonglass requires more glass to make now since 1 glass was a little cheap for a jug the size of your head.
Resprited marble drink and shredroot soda.
The tunneling drill now must be crafted at the level 2 farming table instead of level 1.
Resprited icon for the compact holographic monitor.
Resprited the wind turbine icon.
Nuu tier 2 armor set no longer uses canvas and instead uses cotton wool.
Vivatin wire has been moved to the other tab in the furnace.
Fixed the tall desert cabins having snow treasure.
Many added weapons moved up to level 2 anvil from level 1.
Glass added to giant Glutt rifle recipe.
Villagers now use their formerly unused death drops.
Alpacas have a new death drop pool that can sometimes drop an axe.
NPCs that do not have a preset drop pool will use a new drop pool when killed.
Large effluvium wads are now sometimes dropped by killed NPCs.
The large effluvium wads have also been modified, including patchwork souls. They now give twice the amount of fuel when loaded into the tank. They can still relieve hunger but will not give the full belly status effect when "full".
All shortbows are slightly more accurate so now they're more usable.
Nitrogenous nectar is now labeled as a cooking ingredient and is stored with the food instead of clogging up the reagents section.
The underground oceans have had their crops altered; now they're split between ordinary mushrooms and gloom shrooms
Added Turkish coffee, which you can make at the campfire with water and coffee.
Snowflake shurikens now make little ice shards upon impact. (they don't do any damage though, they are for visual flair.)
Resprited Nuu festive food and changed its recipe slightly.
Resprited fungal meal and altered the recipe.
Resprited space food.
Feature 18 microdungeon now has items in the crates.
Lowered number of apples needed to make concider because 20 apples was WAY too much even if it is realistic.
Changed some other food recipes in minor ways.
Resprited pelletfern Berry jam.
Resprited vanilla outpost toilet stall to use the outpost color palate.
Hylotl plants now replace the outpost plants in the Hylotl mission and can be scanned for the pixel printer.
Crushed Magnetin makers now also make gravel which you'll have to filter out by hand.
Did some quest pool patches to include some M32 stuff in NPC quests. (Not extensively tested because testing colonists is an enormous pain in the rear)
Added a generic short table so the Nuu ones aren't being used in certain microdungeons anymore.
Lowered silk cost for thread.
Added an easter egg thingy that will be removed if nick cooks homemade soup and sends me a photograph.
Added a coin flip mechanic to concider, where you only drink half at a time, giving back a bottle half full or half empty.
Finally removed the moon microdungeons on non-moon planets.
Nuu and Glutt crew members now have unique dialog instead of the vanilla placeholder.
Other things I forgot or were too small to care about.
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Maple 32 1.4.4
Kitchen sink mod, exploration focus, equipment, species.