Vanilla water coolers can now be used to get paper cups of water and fill bottles. Not very useful but I just wanted to do it. If I get bloat complaints later, I will remove it and make it it's own mod.
Slight modifications to foliage generation rates on thrashed planets.
3 more oceanic microdungeons added, one of which is a "fixed" version of an unused one. One of them is more accurate to call a terrain formation since it isn't really a structure.
Added little holes to thrashed biomes.
Changed certain dialog lines for verdurous scientists and villagers so that they don't tell you that honey is completely toxic anymore.
Nuu plasma machine gun overheats and scorches you if you fire it for too long, unless you're using the heat protection pack.
Reduced added augment spawn chance in certain treasure pools in verdurous dungeons.
Resprited beepbots from their original prerelease spritework to actually good sprites. (they deserved at least this much, since they are kinda the mascot of this mod.)
MINIKNOG scouts replaced with scientists in a certain magnetic desert microdungeon.
Made it so human cities have more than just books in the drawers.
Certain dungeons/microdungeons now have items inside boxes and stuff.
Shattered planet gravity increased a tiny bit, allowing nuu to glide a bit for better or for worse.
Changed gallonglass status effects to give a more lengthy full hunger effect and drop a throwing glass upon consumption, while also removing increased energy and stuff. The rage stat is still there and doubled in length to compensate.
Vanilla foundry workers and guards have been significantly buffed on hot tier planets so they don't instantly die to masteroids on shattered planets. This however also means that they might kick your ass if you piss 'em off.
Blood diamonds renamed to hearts of hatred. They still are only used for the crown though.
Added transparency to ring crown.
Modified planet descriptions.
Changed some planet name colors.
Changed safe moon icons.
Added poisoned throwing darts that you can craft with darts and venom samples.
Made vanilla darts get bullet drop and slow in water like arrows do.
Added a naval mine themed paratail variant to thrashed planets. (If you complain about it I will revert the change)
Shattered islands at magma depth are now super tall because why not?
Shattered planets now have ashy alps and midnight subbiomes because it worked.
Increased masteroid spawn rate on shattered planets by a tiny amount.
Added some items to the apex rebel radio tower dungeon.
Some unique weapons have had their tooltips changed so they look the part.
Breaking funkgus shrooms is now more dangerous due to larger gas radius.
Funkgus shrooms now release particle effects, and will poison you if you stand in front of them for too long.
Funkgus no longer resets to the first stage when harvested, instead breaking (which releases the cloud.)
Funkgus drop pools changed.
Gelid grotto biome now has ice peblits more common than normal peblits.
Cold catacombs biome also can now have ice peblits now, even though it had no peblits before.
Resprited vanilla Hylotl plant because it was literally just the outpost plant sprite. Now it looks more Hylotl. (I don't think this object is even used so this is useless.)
Modified steppe microdungeons a tiny bit.
Other stuff too small to mention.
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Maple 32 1.4.4
Kitchen sink mod, exploration focus, equipment, species.