Do you want to bring a custom pet into the starbound universe?
Of course you do! Who doesn't?!?
Note: This does require a minimum level of competence. It is not for your average user.
Super Simple Instructions
- Redraw the monster frames - make sure its 32 x 32
- Use admin command /spawnitem pethouseCustomPet to spawn it.
- This version of course is least compatible with other custom pets.
Simple Version Instructions
- Rename every instance of customPet you find in all the files including folders.
- In another words you must look through every file and folder.
- Draw over the monster frames provided with your own custom pet. You must keep the frames 32 x 32 pixels.
- The only downside is the pet won't sleep in their own pet house spawner. But will still sleep in the generic pethouse.
Advanced Version Instructions:
- Same as above
- The pethouseName ( Spawner object )
- the name = Monster pet type name of your pet.
- It should begin with a capital letter. [ example spawner name should be pethouseDog ]
- If the first 3 letters are Pet it gets automatically removed so either avoid using pet as first 3 letters or substitute the first 3 letters as something else.
Pets Created by Users:
Squid Pet by: @JunosatoRyu
Terminus Pet by: @Babelrap
This mod requires Purchaseable pets to function!
Once you make a custom pet feel free to drop me a line in Purchaseable Pets discussion!
Do you have any doubts? Or want to report a bug? Do so in the Link Below
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Make your own Custom Pet Template [ For Modders \ Artists ] [PG]v2
Requires Purchaseable Pets as a Dependency!
Recent Updates
- Updated to Pleased Giraffe Aug 29, 2015
- Cleaned up Folder - Easier Instructions May 14, 2015