Definable Buttons
These now have a +/-0.125 (1/8th of a second) increments available from +/-0.25.
Datastick logging
When ejecting a virtual circuit Datastick from a macrochip (E key whilst within the macrochips interface) you can also hold down Alt to write to the starbound.log file the necessary /spawnitem command to recreate that datastick, allowing you to copy/paste to share with other players or onto other characters by spawning it thru chat window.
I think I would recommend using an unlisted link to share a pastebin copy of that spawnitem command with other players.
Macrochip Windowsize options
A Macrochip can now be set to open in small, medium or large window sizes, the small being the original size.
Remote Input/Output Node categories
The remote nodes now have an additional category field. This is for another feature I'm adding. On the macrochip board, I have given their components larger text for easier reading.
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Macrochip and Logic Upgrades V4.11
Virtual Circuitry