A fast air-superiority vehicle designed to transport lunar miners and soldiers alike. Able to transport a 3-man team; this vehicle is often used as a strike craft, deploying its unit deep in enemy territory.
This mod adds the Switch Fighter to Starbound, which can be purchased from the shipyard for 25000 pixels. It can also be spawned in via /spawnitem switchwingcontroller.
Special thanks to Lefl for letting me use the base code from his UT-47 mod, which can be found here: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/ut-47-kodiak-shuttle.3287/
Be sure to leave a review and suggestions!
Please be sure to download version 1.1, otherwise you cannot use both the Switch-Wing and UT-47 Kodiak at the same time!
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- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
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- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Lunar Operations Switch-Fighter 1.2
Transport, Shuttle, Gunship
Recent Updates
- Slight texture update Aug 10, 2016
- Lunar Operations Switch-Fighter (Now compatible with the UT-47 mod) Aug 7, 2016