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Liquid Pump 1.1

A wire-able liquid pump

  1. sayter
    Version: 1.0
    great start, and does what it says it does. I'll be interested in what you do with it from here. Pipes and such would be a godsend :)
    1. umbitual
      Author's Response
      Thank you, I will see what I can do in therms of pipes.
  2. Nightmaster
    Version: 1.0
    Good one. The only thing missing is a way to interact with the liquids stored (like a storage) and pipes to let the liquid flow to where we need it.

    A sugestion, create a special sewer pipe that connects with the ports of the pump and add the special ability for it to consider any pipe tile directly connected to it, be it on the front tile or background, as an extension of the port. That way you can connect the pump to distant sources of liquids and allow you to pump these same liquids to other distant locations without all the need to manually construc "pipes" for it.
    1. umbitual
      Author's Response
      Thank you.

      Yea adding liquids to the storage is currently painfully slow and you can't easily get them back. I discovered this when filling the tanks shown in the second screenshot. If I can figure out how to make a storage menu work properly that would definitely be a great improvement.

      As for pipes, I didn't think of that but there is plenty of scenarios where that would be immensely useful.