More tenant tweaks.
Items Added.
Alpaca Story Slate
Apex Mutant Brain
Corobockle Brain
Corobockle Story Mural
Great Lineage Scroll
Lineage Records Shelf
Necromantic Tome (skelly fish)
Patient Corobockle
Penguin Bookcase
Plantation Bookcase
Studious Corobockle
Swamp Bookcase
Viciss Brain
Gnome libraries now only need 1 ball of gnomes, in line with the original mod.
Scientists and Hazmat Scientists now have a priority of 10 instead of 4. Apex Researchers have a priority of 8 instead of 4.
The new version of the Protectorate Book Cabinet now properly function as containers. PICK UP ANY EXISTING ONES BEFORE UPDATING!
Eye plant recipes changed to account for official changes to certain vanilla items.
General Changes
Lepids, the maggot people, can now appear. They're written as a recently sapient race who defer to the shadows they share their home world with.
Viciss tenants have been added. Based on the mutant outfit from toxic biomes. Somebody had to build those ruined cities in the background.
Female deadbeats now have a different horn style.
Deadbeats jumpsuits can come in several colors.
Hylotls robes can now come in all colors.
Corobockle librarians added, via now having a 1 in 11 chance of appearing on the heads of librarians from the vanilla playable races. You may also convert ones you find with a book pile, and further into a placable version with 2 more book piles.
A recipe to fill in small deprived bookcases has been added.
Old Apex tenants have been added. Surely some escaped the VEP process, the miniknog hasn't been honest about anything else. They dress and try to pass as humans.
Science tag added to flesh bookcase, to fit its descriptions.
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Library Assets 0.85
Adds several bookshelves and other library themed objects.