This mod intents to expand upon the already existing Letheia Corporation by adding an assortment of furniture, tiles, weapons and uniforms.
The added objects include:
- Corporate Furniture
- Office Equipments
- Executive Fixtures
- Top Quality Lamps
At Letheia, we also provide safety for our customers through well-made firearms and melee combat weapons. Some of our products include:
- Precision Rifles
- Double Blades
- Protective Uniforms
- Lightsabers
After months of development, we are proud to reveal the production of several security-centered personal mechs. The Friedenzar the Sentry MK-II are paired with our latest modeled AIs, and are the perfect choice to secure your space outpost.
- Decorative Mech Models
- Robotic Crates / Equipments
The Legion is a group of ex-mercenaries who stole many technologies from the megacorp known as Letheia Corporation and redesigned them for military purposes.
Through their elite soldiers and advanced war-machines, the Legion has managed to take over an outstanding number of Letheia outposts. Aimed to completely eradicate the Corporation and megacorps alike, their troops will stop at nothing to achieve their goal.
While their hatred for galactic corporations persist, they do not mind travelers and other like-minded individuals visiting their remote outposts- they're always looking for potential recruitments, afterall. Their settlements can be found rarely in desert planets and scarcely on cold planets.
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- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
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- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Letheia Expanded v1.0.0
Adding 200+ Letheia centered objects, weapons and furniture.