Less Sky+ (modular)
-Less stars
-Less twinkle effect with the stars
-No Space Fog
-An alternative teleport background
-The .zip file contains 3 folders and 1 stand-alone .pak file. You can choose up to one .pak file per folder, plus the stand-alone file. Place them into your starbound/mods folder.
Less Stars Customization:
LS - Less Stars .5: There are half the stars in space as the vanilla game.
LS - Less Star .4: 40% of the stars as the vanilla game.
LS - Less Star .3: 30% of the stars as the vanilla game.
LS - Less Star .2: 20% of the stars as the vanilla game. (author's preference)
LS - Less Star .125: Space is much more empty. (This is nice on higher modded zoom levels.)
LS - Less Stars .075: Space feels very empty now even on higher zoom levels.
Twinkle Customization:
LS - Less Twinkle: Stars twinkle less frequently. This .patch shifts the range of the rate at which the stars can twinkle to something a little less obnoxious.
LS - No Twinkle: Stars don't twinkle in space! (This is the immersive option)
No Space Fog Customization:
LS - No Debris: Removes the space fog.
LS - No Debris with some Constilations: Replaces the Space fog with a few constellations based on the ancient alphabet/ruins found in the game.
LS - No Debris with much more Constilations: A clear sky with even more constellations! So pretty! Wow!
Stand-Alone file:
LS - Alternative Teleport Cinematics: Takes away the space fog while teleporting and deploying.
Thanks to:
Thenon's Darkspace for inspiring this mod. This is not compatible.
Patchumz Extra Zoom Levels for also inspiring this mod. I highly recommend this one.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Less Sky+ 1.5
A small, modular space overhaul. +Constilations!
Recent Updates
- v1.5 Update for 1.3! Jun 28, 2017
- v1.4 Another constilation option! Sep 20, 2016
- v1.3 Constilation option Sep 17, 2016