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Outdated Leporid (Rabbits) Race Mod 1.1.0

Humanoid Rabbits

  1. Kapra
    Warning: Chucklefish's download links do currently not work, if you are unable to download this mod, scroll down for the alternate download link.

    Leporidae are a Rabbit-based race.


    This is an early version, 1.0.1
    • Currently, it has custom sprites for face/head and edited human hairs to fit the ears (this took forever to do).
    • Hats were not edited due to that effecting multiple races.
    • Char creation GUI edited to have three extra slots, one of which is used by this mod. I did not borrow the custom GUI of any other mod.
    • Fur color and chest color may be toggled. Chest color is a bit difficult to see in the creation GUI, but it also controls the tail color, which is easy to see depending on the personality you choose. Tail will be slightly less visible on a female Leporid.
    • This mod is only multiplayer compatible if all clients have this mod.
    • This mod edits existing starbound files. These files will come with backups of the unmodded starbound. To remove this mod, you will have to reinstall Starbound or remove the files associated with the mods and rename the _vanilla files back to their regular names.
    • This mod must be updated each time character creation, ship creation, codex, or quest files are updated by the vanilla client. Standby for a release when such happens.
    • Last compatible release: Indignant Koala
    Upcoming and Not Happening
    • Currently uses the Avian ship design, unlikely, but a future possibility, that I will sprite them their own ship.
    • I do plan on a custom respawn animation, currently they use human respawn.
    • I do plan on adding custom Codex entries, rather than reusing the Avian codex. Their storyline will, however, involve the codex and Kluex.
    • Seeing as how the intro isn't currently used by any race, it is doubtful I will make one. However, if the vanilla starbound does finish the Floran/Glitch/etc intros, I will most likely work on one for this mod.
    • Custom items may come if I see the need, but custom world generation and/or custom NPCs will not.
    • They will use the same tutorial quest chain as other races, not a custom one.
    Change Log
    • Version 1.1.0 - Added custom name generation, courtesy of Cenlax, and added mod folder compatibility (I think), along with altering tier four like they did with regular races in the recent update.
    • Version 1.0.1 - Fixed an issue with ship generation for some people, I have no explanation why this was needed for some and not others. Also made the installation process less manual.
    • Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release
    1. After downloading this mod, navigate to your /Starbound/assets/ folder, it should be a subfolder for Steam for most of us.
    2. Extract this zip into the /Starbound/assets/ folder. If you do not know how to use *.zip files, look it up online. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention any tools that do so, I apologize.
    3. It should now work properly upon installation. If you have any additional errors with character generation or ship generation, or notice any graphical bugs, please let me know in the corresponding thread.
    Alternate Download Links
    • This mod was made as a test. I followed Kawa's guide on how to create a race mod.
    • Cenlax did the random name generation, go like one of his posts if you would like to give him appreciation for his work.
    • A prexisting bunny humanoid existed in Vanilla Starbound on a statue in the Avian Tomb. I slightly edited the head design, basing it on this. However, most of this mod was drawn over the Avian sprites.
    Vampiz, Kellins, ODABUTSU and 6 others like this.

Recent Updates

  1. 1.1.0

Recent Reviews

  1. Vampiz
    Version: 1.1.0
    Most adorable rabbit race, but seriously needs to be updated!
  2. BiTub
    Version: 1.1.0
    An awesome mod! It just needs to be upadated.
  3. NobleNeon
    Version: 1.1.0
    Looks very nice, nearly official quality. However, this version is broken and crashes the game when you attempt to select the race. An update would be appreciated.
  4. FR0stByte
    Version: 1.1.0
    I wish that I could rate this higher, but I cannot due to the mod not working (when I try to install it). It is the only race mod that I have used that consistently crashes my Starbound when I have it installed...
  5. 2000hackers
    Version: 1.1.0
    WhY tHe HeLl WoNt ThIs DaM ThInG WoRk CaN sOmEoNe HeLp????
  6. Kellins
    Version: 1.1.0
    I've enjoied being the bunny race. and I hope it becomes as easy to merge as you continue making this.
    1. Kapra
      Author's Response
      Thank you, I'm working on adding compatibility to Angry Koala's merging system soon, been busy during these past few days close to Christmas so haven't had much time to work on this or the other few race mods I'm planning.
  7. Leather Rabbit
    Leather Rabbit
    Version: 1.0.1
    Looks good, sounds good...

    I can't download it, and I don't know why. I keep getting an annoying error when I try.
    1. Kapra
      Author's Response
      Did you try the Mediafire mirror I provided and the playstarbound download button on this page?