Larger Navigation 1080p - v 1.0 [Offended Koala]
By: bizzy401
This is my first attempt at making the navigation pane larger and easier to use. I had to completely remake a lot of the graphics from scratch and it may not be perfect, but I think it worked out okay. This was designed for my 1080p monitor and therefor I have no idea how it will look on other resolutions. Larger should be fine, but if your res is smaller it may not fit on the screen. I am sorry, but I will not be making this in other sizes. Everything is coded by pixel coordinates and it would require remaking the entire thing from scratch if I did. Feel free to use the files however you see fit.
To install: Simply replace everything in the "assets/interface/cockpit" folder with everything in the same folder in the zip file.
(don't forget to make a backup of the "cockpit" folder before you do this!)
If you have any question feel free to hit me up on the forums!!!
Don't forget to rate it if you like it.
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Outdated Larger Navigation 1080p 2013-12-18
Increases the size of the Navigation Window (designed for 1080p monitors)