It's the moment all you've all been waiting for (unless you haven't): the kineptic now have a basic dugeon all their own, in the form of a settlement! They can spawn anywhere any other dungeon can spawn, so keep an eye out for them! They're still fairly basic, but the hardest part is out of the way. Adding new parts will be much easier from here on out.
You also get:
Thank you all for your support and kind reviews! For those of you who want to check out what's going on in the nightly, here ya go:
- Plenty of new wooden furniture options
- Lots of small trinkets to place on things
- Kineptic NPCs (no spawners yet, sorry)
- A new texture for the monolithic walls
- A fix for that second wood plank texture that would bug out
- A new 'polished crystal' block that is very plain, but will glow in the dark in the nightly version (like the glyph blocks)
- Fixed the arm dress vanity so females now have the chest garment
Just remember, though: it's the nightly! It might not work tomorrow!
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Outdated Kineptic Race Mod 12-22-2015
Magician Space Cats