I ABSOLUTELY love magic in games, and the way you've got it set up here is pretty awesome. I have a few suggestions for ways forward in terms of spells and other content. These are only ideas, and may be dismissed as you see fit. It's your mod, after all!
#1: More accessibility to other races.
As adorable as magic space cats are, I prefer playing human solely because of the aesthetics. Even if you made it a separate mod, or made it ridiculously difficult to get to magical powers, it'd be nice to be able to access magic as other races.
#2: Use ingame resources to make some spells.
You could always use some in-game resources to make spells. For example, the lightning projectile that some guns have on them would be a good place to start for lightning spells, where the knockback per hit acts as if the target was stunned, but the energy consumption could be massive.
#3: Make the armor energy-focused, rather than defense-focused.
Sure, when you get to higher tiers you get higher defense, but you could make it so the higher tier armors are all robes or something mages would wear and have them grant more energy to cast more spells.
Again, these are just a few ideas I had. It's your mod, these can be completely ignored. Keep up the good work!
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Outdated Kineptic Race Mod 12-22-2015
Magician Space Cats
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
I LOVE IT, it's like order of race mods i like the most, Avali, this, and that one goat race can't remember the name
Mc Fow1er
- 5/5,
It's nice to see someone else though of asking Ryuujin if they could work off of the avali sprites, I did have a race in progress but never got around to finishing it... (about last year, I'm such a procrastinator until I get going...) I can say that this is a rather good race, could use some more content but it's the first release so it makes sense that it doesn't have a lot of content. Also the damage sounds could use a difference other than pitch, but over all this mod is rather good, you have my 5 stars. Good job, Quilavabom.
- 5/5,
I'm not really good with words, this is definitely one of the best race mods out there, I'm really enjoying just how different this one is from all the others, and honestly every little thing about it. I could sing songs of praise for it all day, but I'm not very experienced with songwriting. My only complaint so far is that the mod is still a bit young, but I look forward to seeing it grow.
- 5/5,
I'm a HUGE fan of the Avian mod; I think we need many more innovative race / armor mods like that, instead of a "reskinned human sprite".
Happy to report this is extremely high quality work, and the author is doing a damn fine job. I'm giving it a rating based on the quality of the current content, which is five stars. The magic feels powerful, but not GAMEBREAKING powerful, and you have to EARN it.
My only criticism so far... is... well, holy hell. I don't think I have any. It nails it in every way. I guess just moar of this? :D
One request I have for the mod author; when you do vanity, can we see some more covering vanity items along with the default? By this I don't mean like a catsuit, but rather just some casual clothes that cover the arms and such. The Avali were never really fully armored due to their sensitive feathers, for this race it would seem they have no reason not to. Just a request of mine, either way I'm still going to play it.-
Author's Response
Now [I]this[/I] is a review! (Make no mistake: I value all feedback, no matter how simple)
I'm glad you find the work to be off high quality! I echo your sentiments of the cookie-cutter human sprite: needs more variety. That being said, I've used the body sprite for the avali for a few reasons:
Sprite n00b: Prior to this, I never sprited anything. I did a little bit of what you see, but most of it was done by Icebelly; the coloring, shading, and animations. I did some cleanup afterward, but I don't think I could make anything from scratch besides unshaded, bland blocks.
Clothing compatibility: The vanilla races share clothing. May as well try to help out the digitigrade clothing industry, right?
I would love to give them more vanity, but... clothes are the single most time consuming thing to sprite (and the most difficult)! The vest and gloves were fairly simple, but the baggy pants... bleh. Looks more like a diaper.
As for the OPness of the weapons, I'm aware of that... but without scriptable items being a thing yet, it's hard to reliably drain hunger. That's right. Hunger. Not energy. Spaming energy has no consequence besides not being able to attack. Spamming hunger will kill you.
That's the idea, anyway. It definitely needs refinement, but I think it will make for an interesting mechanic.
I do very much intend to continue development...but it's slow going; especially when I also like to draw, RP, and have a 44 hour workweek.
Thanks again for leaving feedback!
- 4/5,
Loving the background on them and technology, it surprisingly fits well with the theme of the game. Can't wait to try this out, and see where it goes.
If you need any spriting help hit me up -
- 4/5,
"Magic Space Cats"
Alright, I'm down for that.
I'm also a fan of any mod that adds dungeons, so I'm really looking forward to those! -
- 4/5,
Had me at "Magician Space Cats"
Would Like to see this developed further -
- 5/5,
A really great and cute Race, background story is awesome, hope to see more in future updates
Epic Wizard
- 4/5,
I see what you did here.
You remade legs from Lucario race mod.-
Author's Response
Read the original post in its entirety, please: I used the leg and body sprites from the avali race mod with permission from the creator, RyuujinZERO. Thanks for checking my. Mod out, though! I appreciate it!
- 5/5,
Very nice, even though it's only been about an hour since this mod has been posted! I look forward to seeing what will be added in the future, for sure!
- 5/5,
A take on racial ability's i have honestly never seen before. Great job all around.
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