Nice work on the new update, Quil!
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Outdated Kineptic Race Mod 12-22-2015
Magician Space Cats
- 4/5,
i like this mod, but wat troubles me is the first tier of the kenetic glove,
i can not find a crystal ball or make one, can someone pls help? -
Cyrus The Avoli
- 5/5,
Amazing, I've played the Avali race but this seems just as good. I love that you put lore behind them unlike many others who just say "they came from an unknown past."
- 5/5,
I absolutely love it, on top of being functional with spirited giraffe I really appreciate the effort put into this. Please continue to add more content!
Author's Response
I was wondering if the mod still functioned. I'm glad to hear it does! I haven't touched the mod itself in a few months for various reasons, among them a general loss of interest in starbound. Long story short, playing the nightly to keep the mod up to date and ready for quick release for the big update back in February resulted in "the big exciting update of awesome" feeling like... just a little update. I want to feel that excitement again, so I'm hoping one day I'll get the urge to play again and have a wealth of new discoveries to make. Perhaps by then I'll have a better understanding of various other aspects of their culture, architectural style, genetic diversity, etc.
- 5/5,
Excellent race mod. The customization for the Kineptics is excellent, the technology is unique and hugely interesting (to where I want MOAR please D:), and they're technology-based mages! They *technically* have magic, and have a legitimate excuse for it! IT'S AWESOME! Also, all the building blocks and decorations are really quite nice. Please, if you EVER continue work on this mod, know you have the blessing of all of us fans. Moar moar moar!
- 5/5,
One of the most interesting race mod over here (along with Avali, Kalbian, Greys), and almost the only one of them running on Upbeat Giraffe. The spritework is great, these fluffy creatures look very adorable. I enjoyed the magic concept a lot. All the craftables are really aesthetic. However, it still lacks content. Will be looking forward for your mod's development. :3
Author's Response
Thank you! I'm afraid to say that I'm having to take a hiatus from development--I feel I need to work on my drawing skills. In doing so, I hope it will help me turn these visions in my head into actual examples and visuals to depict them, which in turn should help me organize my thoughts and take this mod from being a decently cobbled together collection of material and turn it into a coherent project.
No telling how long that will take, but I hope the result will be worth it.
- 5/5,
I have to admit this mod race is neat! I will definitely keep an eye out on this mod. I can't wait to see what you have in store for the future!
- 5/5,
I simply LOVE this race, especially since it let me bring my D&D Hengeyokai character into space!
Unfortunately, the newest update (Upbeat Giraffe) seems to have an issue; I can't make a crafting table.
Picture of crafting list:
Author's Response
That is bizarre... I can craft it like always. I'm afraid if I can't replicate the error, I can't troubleshoot it. If you can, try starting the game and looking for the crafting table again. If it still doesn't show up, close the game and post the contents of your most recent log file in the mod's discussion thread. I might be able to figure it out from there.
- 5/5,
You are quite a talented modder. Sprites are gorgeous and the furniture adds a beautiful layer of detail to the game. Thank you so much! <3
Materite Swordson
- 5/5,
All my yes. Loved the Avali, but now it's a cat. A magician cat. IN SPAAAAACE!
Jesus Christ, thank you. -
- 5/5,
Very enjoyable mod. A fairly unique-feeling race, Nicely done assets, and a responsive developer.
- 5/5,
Excellent mod. A very nice looking race with interesting lore and many things to go with them that make them feel complete even though the mod is still being worked on.
- 4/5,
Very well made; everything looks good, they're unique and interesting, their unique blocks and decorations are worth having... lovely! These belong up there in the rankings with the Avali.
- 5/5,
It runs fine for me and haven't run into any problems. I'm even running the unstable update.
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