I always wonder will this mod be updated because I miss playing this race but I just don't like crashing everything I try use captain chair so I really hope this mode get updated
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Kineptic Race Mod 12-22-2015
Magician Space Cats
Lord InkSans
- 3/5,
- 5/5,
This is one of my favorite race mods of all time, but it seems really outdated. I'm trying my best to update it to current version, but it's my first time trying to do such a thing. Any advice you can give to me?
Author's Response
I've got a link in a spoiler tag on page 31 of the discussion thread. It's got an incomplete build that I _think_ works with the current version... I'm not sure, though.
The starbound logs are your friend. Just look through those and see where the errors are being thrown.
- 5/5,
love this mod and everything about it but um...when will it be updated?
Author's Response
Data not found.
Sorry, there's no estimated timeframe. My interest comes and goes. Right now, it goes.
Sakura Aurora Lunaris
- 5/5,
I wish it was updated for 1.0, I miss my kitty ship. Love this modpack ♥
Author's Response
That's because the mod isn't updated for 1.0. Sorry.
- 5/5,
the mod looks great, maybe you update it to 1.0? really want to play with it but my game breaks every time I try to use it
- 5/5,
AMAZING. Just a question. Are you able to get the Adouken starting weapon to any other race by spawning it in or crafting it?
Author's Response
Yeah, you should be able to spawn it in with admin commands. I believe the item name is kineptictier0pulse.
- 4/5,
Good mod, be interesting if you and Kawa merged this and Felins together (or something)
Author's Response
I don't think the two cultures are compatible.
- 5/5,
Great to see this mod back in action! Always look forward to well planned out race mods, good job dude!
- 4/5,
Hi Love this I have loved it for a while. I also remember when there was different "spells" or powers other than a plasma blast will you be planning to add them back in. Also some of the races talk about "flight" are more powers in store.
Author's Response
I will eventually, but for the time being I'm experiencing one of my patent-pending lulls in motivation. I feel a lack of creativity when I can't do what I envision, and it's hard to do what I envision from the lack of documentation. There are a lot of helpful people out there, but I'm not able to keep up with them.
The kineptic can fly with the use of their gloves, canonically. In game, you're probably not gonna see it for a while, if ever. It'd completely break a lot of aspects of the game if you can just fly out of the reach of your enemies.
- 5/5,
I love this mod. When ever there is a new version i just have to download it and play with it. 10/10 Love It.
- 5/5,
As well built and implemented as the Avali, which you should also have installed already.
- 5/5,
Very instresting mod and one of the best mods the allows you to play as a four-Tailed Kineptic and have an AI with personiality certainly should displayed as a top mod xD
Keep up the good Work :)
BTW ... may I have permission to draw a Four-Tailed Kineptic Character OC for Deviantart use?-
Author's Response
By all means, draw!
- 5/5,
Well thought out mod, plus space cat wizards are always fun ;7;
- 5/5,
As a Kazdra, This stuff is incredible. I must learn EVERYTHING there is to know.
- 4/5,
I love this mod, mostly because I like cats! But I have noticed some game-breaking glitches such as the game always crashing when you open an alloy furnace. please fix these soon!
Author's Response
Other users have not reported such a problem (neither have I myself had such a problem). Go into the game and cause the crash again, then take the event log and copy-paste it into the discussion thread inside spoiler tags. That way I can get to the root of the problem and tell you what is causing it.
Author's Response
Sure, go ahead.
- 5/5,
Aaaaaa, my favorite race is back from the dead! Many thanks, Quil!
I stopped playing Starbound for a long while because I didn't want to use any of the other races. ><
I know you're highly unmotivated to continue on, but I hope hearing all the support will help you in keeping on with the mod. We all love it so very much!
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