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Kangaru Race v0.5A

Kangaruus are abound!

  1. TheHalfBit
    Version: v0.3b
    No codex entry takes away the last star, but otherwise an absolutely amazing mod - one of the only ones to add custom armor, I might add, and one of my top 3
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review. Sorry that I haven't added any codex entries yet, I was trying to hold off adding them till at least the main story/quest becomes available. It's better to get a fair idea of what the developers have planned and then follow in their lead. :)

      I already have a couple more armor sets ready for the next update, I'm just waiting for the next patch as they're adding in the new PAK format.
  2. KuroErin
    Version: v0.3b
    Fun to hippity-hop to the nearest settlement with these guys. Great mod.
  3. Aidan
    Version: v0.3b
    These guys are a great addition to the races. Very well done and it is super fun to be a kangaroo :D
  4. Little D123
    Little D123
    Version: v0.3b
    not much to say. its a very good mod
  5. GreenCat77
    Version: v0.3b
    This mod is very well polished and the sprites are animated very nicely. This is definitely good enough to be included in vanilla.
  6. Ahmi
    Version: v0.3b
    Gotta say I love this race :) an inspiration and all around awesome mod and great author!
  7. jay_rab
    Version: v0.3b
    Mod is well done and supported.
  8. Jack_Kéther
    Version: v0.3b
    Very good race mod i enjoy play myself as a kangaroo i mean ru ...
    only black point the ship (no custom)
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      That's still planned, I'm currently just using a place-holder until I get around to it. Thanks for the complements. :)
  9. Swiftpaw
    Version: v0.3a
    Been playing this mod and really enjoyed it, it's very well done and runs smoothly. Love all the detail that's gone into it like the animate tail and ears not interfering with head armor!
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the complements. Don't forget to update to the new version today! :D
  10. kovushane
    Version: v0.3a
    very well done sprites that feel like they should actually be in starbound
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the complement. n.n
  11. wolfyluna
    Version: v0.3a
    A promising race mod that runs smooth (at least on it's own) and so far by itself got no errors.
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      Glad it's working for you. :)
  12. Arctic Fox
    Arctic Fox
    Version: v0.3a
    An amazing alternative to Avians and Apex! Cute sprites,smooth animation! Well done!
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the complement! n.n
  13. Haku
    Version: v0.3a
    Perfectly clean, well animated Kangaroo. I love that you went out of your way to apply style and personality into this, instead of sticking to the more static looking vanilla sprites or jumping straight to an inevitably rocky looking realism.

    A lot of folks say "ears are too big" or "hair is too anime ish", but really that's a very unrealistic observation they have while kissing a certain mod's butt. :b Ears are pretty moderate and the way they are drawn helps make em more visible. Hairstyles range between crazy and average.

    This is the perfect balance and doesn't stray too far from the basic look of Starbound. I hope to see more updates towards this such as more racial clothes and racial armor. I'd suggest underwear for the male (briefs & boxerbriefs) & female (bikini & such) in the tailoring menu.
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      Clothes and armor/gear are planned later down the track once I understand how to code them in. There are also two reasons why I didn't give them "underwear" for a reason.

      1) There is only a limited amount of changeable color slots available on the character creation screen (it was either the belly fur that became changeable or have to adjust for both underwear and belly fur at the same time). Because of how finicky the code is at the moment, I didn't want to go fiddling with the code less I bork something up in the process (and there's already enough issues with people having compatibility issues trying to install multiple custom races as it is).
      2) Have you ever seen a kangaroo wear undies before? I thought fur was designed to keep one warm during the night while keeping the privates hidden. :P

      I'll try and make some bikini and boxer vanity sets available once I figure out how clothing and armor works. :)

      Thanks for the complements though, it's good to hear how people like the mod. Every review to date that gives praise has made me happier and more content. Without you guys, I don't know where I would have gone with this mod. n.n
  14. BlairKanine
    Version: v0.3
    I love this race. Wonderful work!

    The little animations for eating, sleeping, blinking, etc... Show a notable attention to detail in design.
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the complement Blair. :D
  15. Noxat
    Version: v0.3
    Just updating my review for the 0.3 release. Still totally awesome.
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      If you have any issues with the mod, just let me know. Thanks for the complements. :D
  16. Cameroo
    Version: v0.3
    Great mod! Well animated and the characters look really cute. My only complaints are that the color choices are a bit garish and some of the hair styles looks a bit odd on them. But it's a fairly minor gripe. I love the re-spawn animation also. Hope to see you keep this up Espi. :)
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      Thanks Cameroo. Sorry that the colors aren't exactly perfect as they needed to be coded in hex format in a config file. If the character creation screen used a gradient picker, it would save so much time. n.n;

      The hair selection is from the human race that's been readjusted to fit the head sprite correctly. I would make my own but because of how the engine is programmed, I can't make separate layers for the front and back (why some seem to look out of place). I'm just making do with what resources are available.
  17. Noxat
    Version: v0.2
    Ridiculously cute, very well done, and I love the facial expressions using the arrow keys. The tail animation is a bit weird sometimes, like when jumping it sort of looks like I'm using it to push off the ground, so maybe that was intentional? But overall this is fantastic.
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      The tail-push is kind of intentional since it's static to the jumping animation. Later down the track I'm hoping to find out how to get layers to work so the tail is separate from the body.
  18. Bloodstarz
    Version: v0.2
    Alright i want to point out a couple things, i'll start with the problem and will end with the good.

    -The kangafemale icon for the button does not show up and looks nothing like the mod.

    -Overall excellent mod everything is working fine.
    -I really love the tail wagging when walking!

    So yeah that's all i gotta say. not very much eh? keep up the good work.
    1. espilonarge
      Author's Response
      The icons are currently just place-holders until I've worked on them. :)
  19. Dexasol
    Version: v0.1
    Very cute indeed :D
  20. Zaiketsu
    Version: v0.1
    Oh my gosh! So cute! :D