Now your beloved Avian character can have wings, just like every bird in the world!
It's a very simple mod, I just merged Avian God Wings' textures with vanilla and Better Avians mod's bodies' textures and recolored the talons to black. Took me quite a while to merge all the textures and make some minor adjustments, but the effect is very pretty! The only downside of this mod is that wearing other wing items will most likely look just horrible and it doesn't fit with the game's lore well. You also can't fly with these wings. It's all just aesthetics, making Avians look prettier.
I also recolored the vanilla beaks to black and added as a seperate set of beaks!
You can find the Better Avians mod HERE.
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Just Like Real Birds 1.3
Wings for Avians & more!
Recent Updates
- Black Beaks Dec 21, 2016
- Wings are now optional Aug 1, 2016
- More content in one mod! Feb 1, 2016