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Outdated Just Explosives! Explosives 0.2

You'll have a blast! With explosives, you see. These are explosives.

  1. Djinn
    "You want explosives, eh? Well, you've come to the right place. Eh? So what if it's your ship? Ya want bombs or what?"
    Adhesive Charge
    "The versatile adhesive charge will stick to walls, floors, ceilings and backgrounds - once activated (by interacting or by wire signal) it will detonate in short order. The explosion is small, but very powerful, and can be used to breach through walls."

    Proximity Mines
    "Prox mines are a combat staple, but the Peglaci have provided us with a safe - if boring - option. The Safe proximity mine will activate moments after being placed, and will detonate when fierce creatures pass by - but only if there are no people within the blast radius. If that's too boring for you, the Rogue mine with activate moments after being placed, and will detonate when anyone crosses its perimetre. Use with caution!"

    Adhesive Blocks
    "These versatile explosives are the backbone of any mining venture. They can be stuck to any surface, and activate within moments. When active, they will detonate at the lightest touch. When deactivated, they can be safely removed."

    Time Bombs and Wired Bombs
    "Can't go wrong with good old fashioned high explosives. The time bomb will, simply, count down and detonate - once the timer reaches zero, it also sends out a wire pulse, that can be used to trigger other explosives. Wired Bombs are extremely stable, and will only detonate when they recieve a wire signal."

    Explosive Barrels
    "Around many dangerous areas in the galaxy, even evildoers have to store volatile chemicals somewhere! Keep an eye out for volatile barrels of flaming chemicals, deadly toxins, or freezing gas - they may help you if you shoot them!"

    Liquid Containers
    "Similarly, liquids have to be set aside until needed. Feel free to smash them when you find them!"

    Explosive Crates and Safety Detonator
    "The Safety Detonator - demonstrated here, on the right of these explosive crates - is another Peglaci invention designed to minimize loss of life while working with explosives. Once active, it will detonate only after the user and his friends have cleared the area. While the explosion is weak, it is most often used to detonate more volatile explosives."

    "Finally, the Rockcracker - used to open up initial chasms or to pierce through stubborn obstructions. Once active, it releases a sonic pulse straight down that vibrates a column of stone to pieces."

    "Feel free to mix and match the explosives as you see fit. Go out there and blow some stuff up!"

    NEW: "Do you need to get through a thin wall or need a bolthole in a firefight? The wallpiercer is a safe alternative to the adhesive charge - the explosive energy is focused towards the surface to which you attach it instead of expended in all directions!. In this way, you can make a small tunnel, with no danger to yourself!"
    NEW: "This versatile charge can be attached to any surface and pointed in 8 directions. Upon recieving a wired signal, the charge will detonate in that direction. Comes in shotgun and stunning soundwave versions, both of which cause minimal terrain damage."
    Gun Emplacement
    NEW: "The Eightway's big brother - these gun emplacements can also be attached to any surface and rotated as required. Upon receiving a wireless signal, they will continuously fire their payload until the signal is cut off."
    NEW: "Are you tired of digging your own holes? Even with explosives. Here's the solution. This giant rig is called the Earthrifter - upon recieving a wired signal, it will continually emit powerful low-frequency pulses, shattering any material apart with deep vibration. Place it on a back wall and aim it at whatever you want torn apart."

    Buy them from the Frog Bomb Merchant - available from your 3D printer!

    As always, feel free to use any of my sprites, code or ideas in any of your projects, no credit needed.
    Special thanks to Rhopunzel for the Timebomb sprite!​
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Reviews

  1. Joe Rockets
    Joe Rockets
    Version: Explosives 0.2
    Glad Giraffe update pls :c
  2. Sirup86
    Version: Explosives 0.2
    Please make Pleased Giraffe
  3. The_Turret_Boy
    Version: Explosives 0.2
    looks cool! I wish it was for Pleased Giraffe :(
  4. Sytarks
    Version: Explosives 0.2
    nice mod, wish for an update
  5. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Version: Explosives 0.2
    This has to be one of the best mods ever and I hate to see it die. I was hoping for a reboot from the black market mod but since that has been discontinued I long for a reboot. I even tried to make a version for Giraffe but since I am very new to modding and have no experience with lua It was a failure. And when I saw that you recently updated your Peglaci mod I instantly thought "JustExplosives Update" so please reboot this amazingly made mod as that would just make my day.

    Thank you for Taking time and reading my opinion.
  6. Dekadrachm
    Version: Explosives 0.2
    Very great mod, I will be rewriting your script and redoing some sprites and then incorporating this into the new blackmarket mod. I will give credit for the template for as most of this is outdated. I will probably expand upon the idea and maybe even release a revived version of this mod. Once again great work and thank you for you efforts within the modding community.
    1. Djinn
      Author's Response
      Sounds excellent - feel free to take and modify any code you require with my full blessing!
  7. Enigma11pl11
    Version: Explosives 0.2
    plz make update i wait
  8. Vaerine.Faerchilde
    Version: Explosives 0.2
    Excellent mod - though with the recent update, is broken for the time being. Would love to see this mod updated for the most recent version of the game - (V. Upbeat Giraffe).
  9. Statyk
    Version: Explosives 0.2
    If you are saying what I think you are saying, then you are saying that not only are there the original bombs but better ones, then sir, you have made one psychopath gentleman very, very happy. :D
  10. PeNDoS
    Version: Explosives 0.2