NEW: Now compatible with Frackin' Flora AND Frackin' Flora + Variety is the Spice of the Universe!
You now have a WHOLE LOT more liquids to play with! This mod is now compatible with Frackin' Flora, adding liquids such as healthy Soup, glowing Ooze, Freezing Water, Blood, and all kinds of stuff. Of course, you have to find them in FF generated worlds first.
It's ALSO compatible with liquids added with Variety is the Spice of the Universe but ONLY if you also have FF and the compatibility patch for the two of them (found on the FF page). It won't crash if you only have VitSotU, but it'll look pretty weird when sampling those liquids.
Also it was a huge amount of copy and paste work to get it all looking proper, so I'm sure there's bugs. Please post em in the Discussion Thread so I can sort em' out!
Yucket's Buckets
"Hi, I'm Yucket, and these here are my buckets!"
Wooden Bucket
"This is your basic wooden bucket. It can be created with a few pieces of wood and a copper ingot at the crafting table. Placing it in a liquid will cause the liquid to be absorbed - a full bucket can be picked up by interacting with it. A full bucket can be placed to dump it on the ground."
"A word to the wise - a wooden bucket will burn up if you try to gather lava or acid! Be careful!"
Iron Bucket
"An Iron bucket is made from an iron ingot and a copper ingot at the anvil. It operates identically to a wooden bucket with the notable exception that it can pick up lava or acid without concern!"
Pickin' up the Hot Stuff
"Be careful anyhow! This stuff is dangerous!"
Steel Sampler
"A Sampler is created from two steel ingots and a glass block at the robotic crafting table. Once placed it will wait until activated by hand or by signal, whereupon it will take a large sample of whatever liquid is nearby. Once it is full, it can be freely moved and replaced - it will not emit its contents until activated again."
Sample Light
"A full Sampler will glow faintly with the color of whatever liquid is inside."
NEW - Liquid Grenade
"A steel Sampler can be converted into a simple throwable format at a robotic crafting table - this small grenade can then be used to transfer some liquid from one area to another ballistically!" [Suggested by Reddit User R4N63R]
NEW - Vortex Gun
"Dangerous liquid lying around? Or just don't like getting wet? Use the new Vortex Gun to suck all your problems away!"
NEW - Canister Pump
"The titanium Canister Pump is used to transport large quantities of liquids, or to be used to drain and refill large areas. On activation, they will continuously all liquid in the area for a moment, storing it under pressure in its holding tank. Once full, the tank can be moved as required and pumped out."
"The tank will try to fill itself, but if it cannot, it will drain all surrounding liquid and maintain that under pressure under required."
Nope, no more coming, that's it!
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Just Buckets FRACKIN FLORA!
Do you have water HERE you want THERE? Get this mod.
Recent Updates
- Other fixes! Jul 19, 2014
- Small recipe fix Jul 16, 2014
- Now compatible with Frackin' Flora AND Frackin' Flora + Variety is the Spice of the Universe! Jul 10, 2014