Do you really, really want a NPC as a crew member? No worries, now you don't have to hope for them to give you enough quests to trigger the change. With one of these craftable/buyable job offers you can instantly make them happy to work for you.
- Make any friendly or neutral NPC recruitable, including shadow people, alpaca people, fenerox, etc.
- Recruit any story NPC (Nuru, Koichi, etc) with the caveat that their armor can end up looking weird.
*** NOTE: You may want to avoid doing this during missions unless you don't mind breaking them (like recruiting a NPC before it opens a door). ***
- Craft the Job Offers using your hands (the same menu where you can make a campfire and torches) or buy them at Frogg Furnishings.
Note: You can enable and disable this mod without any problems. Crew members already recruited will keep being yours and recruitable NPCs you haven't recruited yet will keep being recruitable.
Mod compatibility: It should work with mods that edit or add NPCs, depending on how they are implemented. The mod will tell you if another mod is interfering with it.
**Confirmed Compatible Mods**
Earth's Finest
Create-a-Friend: Needs a compatibility patch
Active Stealth Module
Multiplayer compatibility: Both server and player need to have this mod installed.
Steam link:
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Job Offers: Hire anyone 1.1.2
Use one of these to hire any friendly NPC