Jammin' Tracks Version 2.0! 21 new songs!!!
OST added in this update contains music from:
Action 52 (A52)
Advance Wars: Dual Strike (AWDS)
Bloodborne (BB )
Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse (C3D3)
Dark Souls 1 (DSI)
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (DKJB )
Final Fantasy VII (FF7)
.hack//GU (HGU)
Kingdom Hearts 2 (KH2)
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (LoZSS)
Mega Man Zero 4 (MMZ4)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (MP3C)
Nier (Nier)
Okami (Okami)
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (PMTYD)
Suikoden II (SII)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (SMG2)
Shadow of the Colossus (SotC)
Tales of the Abyss (TOA)
Xenoblade Chronicles X (XCX)
Added music:
*A52 Cheetahmen Theme
*AWDS Andy's Theme
*BB Gehrman, the First Hunter
*C3DC Aquarius
*DKJB Battle for Storm Hill
*DSI Firelink Shrine
*FF7 Bombing Mission
*HGU Yasashii Ryoute
*KH2 Sinister Shadows
*LoZSS Skyloft
*MMZ4 Holy Land
*MP3C Omega Ridley
*Nier Gods Bound By Rules
*Okami Reset ~ Thank You ~ Version
*PMTYD File Select
*PMTYD Rogueport
*SII Reminiscence
*SMG2 Fated Battle
*SotC A Despair Filled Farewell
*TOA Karma (Opening Theme)
*XCX Sylvalum (Day)
Deposit this mod in the Starbound/giraffe_storage folder in
the game's directory. Please leave feedback! Thanks!
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Jammin' Tracks 2.6
New Update! 207 VGMs for Glad Giraffe! Last Updated July 5th!