Railgun by Jordian
Just basically an insane damage weapon that will dig threw any land it can. This mod is obviously not meant to be balanced and is just for fun.
You do need to have infinite energy for this gun so I suggest having a modded armor. The reason is because the gun can not function with high damage without costing a lot of energy
[unfinished] Things to do list
How to download
- fix aiming when fired
- add new icon for gun
- add frames for second projectile without firing random fake projectiles
Pretty simple download just have a mod folder in assets and extract the gun there.
To craft the gun just go to player in your assets and open in notepad++ or what ever you use. add { "item" : "railgun" }, under tier 1 and you are done. You will be able to craft when ever.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Insane Railgun [Jordian] 2013-12-17
shoots a lightning beam that will dig a straight line forever