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Inkbound: A Splatoon Mod Version V3.8-1

A race & content mod based off of Nintendo's Splatoon series!

  1. After a long summer, a Splatoon 3 anniversary update!

    == New: Microdungeons! ==
    - Added functionality for a custom tileset for objects in this mod, and with it, new microdungeons! You won't find them everywhere because Inklings are generally pretty choosy about where they like to live, but maybe you'll meet some new friends.... or foes? Regardless, there's probably something in it for you to find them!

    -- Inkling homes can be found on Forest, Jungle, Arctic, and Oceanic biomes.
    -- Inkling merchants can be found on Forest, Jungle, and Oceanic biomes.
    -- Spyke can be found on Forest and Oceanic biomes.
    -- Kamabo Co. laboratories can be found on Jungle, Toxic and Alien biomes.
    -- Enclaves of Sanitized can be found on Toxic, Alien and Volcanic biomes.

    - More microdungeons are planned for the future! I just wanted to get these out there and functional.
    -- If anyone wishes to create dungeons or microdungeons for this mod, the tileset and its resources are located under /tiled and /tileset in the root of the mod folder.

    - Created new custom treasure pools for this mod. These are weighted to be a bit more generous than vanilla treasure pools so you'll hopefully see more interesting things.
    -- These include, but aren't limited to, "commoninklingTreasure", "uncommoninklingTreasure", "inklingBookcaseTreasure" and "inklingFoodTreasure".

    == Objects ==

    - Added the Dancing Flower, Safety Railing, and Surveillance Poster. These are all flagged as "Kamabo Co." items and can be used to attract sanitized tenants.
    -- Use a CQ-80 to unlock the recipes for these items. You can purchase these from Agent Eight at the Outpost, from a Kamabo Co. Scientist NPC, or sometimes you can find them out in the wild in chests/crates/etc.

    - Added the Golden Behemoth Statue, the Golden Dragon Statue, and the Divine Salmonid Statue. Salmonid swag!
    -- You can very rarely find the two golden statues in Ocean Floor chests. The Divine Salmonid Statue is learned after you craft the second Smallfry Diary.

    - Added the Wooden Ursine Radio.
    -- You can also find this rarely in Oceanic biome chests.

    == Items ==
    - Added the Tattered Hero's Headgear, Tattered Hero's Poncho, and Tattered Hero's Sandals. These are alternates of the Tier 6 - Separator set, with the Headgear giving off the soft blue glow you know and love while the Poncho protects from Sanitization. Captain 3 can be seen modeling these at the Outpost.
    -- Inklings should know the recipe for these from the start.

    - Added the Scavenger's gear and the Explorer's gear; the former is a tier 3 starting outfit for Splatoon 3's story mode and the latter is a tier 4 upgraded hero suit. Both have matching backpacks.
    -- Inklings should know the recipe for these from the start.

    - Added the Buddy-in-a-Backpack, a special version of the new hero suit's backpack. :)
    -- This recipe is learned by crafting the tier 4 backpack.

    - Added the Deepsea DJ's Hat and Deepsea DJ's Tentas.
    -- Use a CQ-80 to unlock the recipe for this item, and the wig is learned from crafting the hat.

    - Added the Kamabo Co. Scalpel as a craftable tier 6 weapon. It's a quick and deadly shortsword-type blade that inflicts Lethal sanitization on its foes.
    -- Unlocked by picking up a Vial of Strange Ooze.

    - Added the Glowing 8-Ball. It's fun to toss around, hit people with, re-live frustrating testing memories with...
    -- Use a CQ-80 to unlock the recipe for this item.

    - Added the Canned Power Eggs, a potent source of fuel that you can get from Inkling merchants or occasionally from boxes/crates/chests associated with Inklings. One can equals 55 points of fuel.
    -- These can't be crafted, because you're not a Salmonid.

    - Tweaked the buy/sell prices of the Delinquent's Sash and Bandit's Top because they were weirdly more expensive than other idol goodies.

    - The Cleansing Death Can now inflicts moderate sanitization with its attacks.

    == Planet / Biomes ==
    - Made some modifications to modded items added to vanilla drop pools.

    == NPCs ==
    - Added the Sanitized race. These guys are essentially clones of the Inkling race, but have different voiceclips and are more limited in terms of colors. There are no plans to make them playable; they are for NPC purposes only.
    -- There's plenty of wearable stuff, as well as the Sanitized skin tone, if you want to roleplay being one of these.

    - Sanitized guard tenants and Kamabo Co. scientist merchant tenants are now Sanitized race rather than Inkling race.

    - Added aggressive Sanitized NPCs. It's exactly what it sounds like on the tin: if you have anything that protects against Sanitization, you might wanna don that when fighting these guys.
    -- Protective gear includes the Clean Mask, the Deepsea DJ's Tentas, the Tattered Hero's Poncho, and all of the Sunbathed wigs.

    - Agent Three has been promoted to Captain Three, congratulations! She now wears her cool new digs from Splatoon 3: Rise of the Mammalians.

    - Captain Three and Agent Eight both have new dialogue.

    == Codices ==
    - Added four new codices, one relating to Octo Expansion, two relating to Rise of the Mammalians, and one about Off the Hook.
    -- The first one's recipe is learned by picking up a Vial of Strange Ooze. The second can be learned by crafting a Plush Smallfry, and the third is learned by crafting the second codex. The fourth is a default recipe.

    - Rewrote the inthreediary codex, because the person who originally wrote it turned out to be a very not-great person.
    -- But that's okay because this is timely for Captain Three's new stuff.

    - Rewrote the two Octarian diaries, because the previous versions didn't reflect the speaking tone of the author very well. They're much nicer, don't you think?
    -- Crafting the Octoshot now teaches you the recipe for the first of these diaries. Crafting the first diary teaches you the recipe for the second one.

    - Codices themed around Octo Expansion now have a unique sprite.

    - Codices themed around Salmonids now have a unique sprite.

    - Made small tweaks to a few different codices for lore consistency.

    == Other ==
    - Added new nudibranch colorations, though you've likely already seen them! This includes the striking Sakura, the sassy Hime, and the mysterious Hachiroku.

    - Altered sources of sanitization, again. Because it's more relevant now.
    -- Minor sanitization: Vial of Strange Ooze use, Kamabo Co. Dualies
    -- Standard sanitization: Physical contact with Strange Ooze, Cleansing Death Can, Berserk Agent's Gaze
    -- Lethal sanitization: Kamabo Co. Charger, Kamabo Co. Scalpel (newly added!)

    - Tweaked and fixed the three levels of Sanitized status a bit.
    -- Minor status is from splash damage and highly-diluted injections. It does 7% HP/sec and gives a 160% attack boost. The Vial of Strange Ooze's duration is 75s, or 30s from other sources.
    -- Standard status is from physical exposure that may or may not get into eyes/mouth/etc. It does 10% HP/sec and gives a 240% attack boost. Lasts for 35s.
    -- Lethal status is from bloodstream exposure to raw ooze. It does 12.5% HP/sec and gives a 310% attack boost. Lasts for 20s, or 7s if from a charger shot.

    == Bugfixes ==
    - Relocated the Tri-Stringer and Tacticooler recipes so they can now actually be made properly. Their files ended up in the wrong location.
    - Fixed stray pixels on the Delinquent's Tentacles.
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