I got a little bothered by the fact that the turrets aim only 40° up and down no matter how you place them.
So they now aim differently:
targetAngleUp defines the aiming up angle, which is set to 60° for the stock turrets and defaults to targetAngleRange
targetAngleDown defines the aiming down angle, which is set to 30° for the stock turrets
If either of them is not defined it will default to the value of targetAngleRange.
This is how a ground placed turret would aim, a wall placed one will aim for the middle range because there's no way currently of placing it on the wall "pointing up" or "pointing down", that supports currently only left and right.
So given the defaults of 60° and 30° down we get an arc of 90°, so a wall one will aim 45° up and down.
And ceiling placed one will just invert and aim 30° up and 60° down.
I also misjudged the energy capacity, they seem to be able to even shoot the feroz sniper rifle for very few shots so they have atleast 105 energy per shot capacity.
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Improved Turrets v1.0.0.2
No firing before aiming, no breaking apart on taking down