Pretty nice mod!
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Illuminated Ores 1.7 for 1.3.2
Slightly glowing ores to make them easier visible
- 5/5,
I've tried this mod before and it was much easier to farm knowing where everything is. It also helps with mining in general because it lights the way for me. Although there are other mods out there that do this, I find it particularly interesting to see that lettered ores works well with it. (Not that I've used it :P). Good luck with the mod, here's a perfect five star.
Excuse me but *you'll never shine if you don't glow.",
~ BILLY500436 ~ -
- 5/5,
It is an excellent mod, this mod gives you light at the end of the tuner haha I say at the end of the ore, it is the mod that illuminates the way to wealth and progress. You no longer need to create the tool that illuminates them within a range. It can ruin the experience a little bit as you spend hours looking for ground to find some gold or another resource you need.
- 4/5,
i am just cracking into a mod called: Industrialization: Starbound Edition, and i have a few other mods installed, its hard to find enough tin, but some of their ores glow, and i don't know if this mod has support for that mod, but this is now on my "must install" list
General Chaos
- 5/5,
Love this, makes the game have a ore glow like the ores in terraria do with owl sight potion thanks
- 4/5,
Love this mod, one nitpick though..
Could you also add glow to the ores added by FrackinUniverse? -
- 5/5,
I have tried this mod on the newest update, and it's really helpful especially on Starter Worlds! Just really helpful!
- 4/5,
Great mod concept! In Pleased Giraffe, I could not see any glow until I cranked up the numbers to the 60-80 range, which gave me a subtle but visible glow. That was the case on two different computers. But without the mod, I would not have known how to do it so...4 stars!
- 5/5,
Following hints gived on discussion topic, i fixed this mod.
Here the links for three versions:
Small glowing
Medium glowing
Big glowing
EDIT: ThatPurpleOne have produce a fix with the original mod values, thanks!
Author's Response
Thanks for updating my mod! Sadly, your links don't seem to work anymore.
- 5/5,
Worked great, I don't have to constantly makes sure I'm not passing a huge vein of ore thats right next to me :D
10/10 -
- 5/5,
This makes mining less of a chore and a lot more enjoyable!
- 5/5,
Essential mod as of upbeat giraffe if you actually want to progress
- 5/5,
there's no way we wouldn't be able to detect ore underground with handheld devices in the far off future. even anne mccaffrey knows that and she mostly writes about dragons. +1 for getting it. :P
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