This update is about TRYING to balance, but add a sense of progression, whiles still rewarding the player when idling
Change Notes
Added 6 new resources, which can only be gathered from the Idle Miners, you need them to upgrade your factories
Coal Driller no longer available (Still present in the code, but doesn't drop anything)
Ultimate Driller no longer available (Still present in the code, but doesn't drop anything)
Recipe: all Ore based factories changed to acquire and use the new materials, recipe requirements dropped greatly making them cheaper and no longer needs diamonds or core fragments
Harvest Delay: Ore Factories now generate 1 ore per 1 minute (60 seconds) instead of 40 seconds
Name Change: All ore factories have had there named changed to tier based, JUST so they are in order Tier 1 driller all the way up to tier 6
Other factories require the new resources, but again, no longer need Diamonds or Core Fragments
Moved the Lunar Driller to specials, and requires less resources
All ore based factories now drop ores the higher the upgrades, so a Tier 4 (Durasteel) will now spawn Titanium, Tungsten and Iron, but with a balance weight
Ore Factories now spawn Core Fragments, but diamonds spawns has been reduced fractionally
And probably other changes I've made
Installing this mod will change many aspects, but will not crash your game, or make things disappear, so your safe, but its strongly recommended to take up your factories, and put them back down for the changes to take effect.
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Idle Factories BUILD 5 - PATCH 6
Factories which generates ores, liquids, crops, components, pixels, and a hole lot more!