bring back memory of zelda minish ^^ love it ,you are amazing man :)
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Hylian Weapons of Legends (1.3.3 Version) 0.6.0
Craft weapons, items, armors, etc. from The Legend of Zelda series!
- 4/5,
- 4/5,
While it's pretty good, many of the equipment's functions are not really explained in the description.
The vague description causes a lot of confusion as to what they do in the game.
While I like Zelda, I don't play every series of the game, hence some of the items are very confusing as to what they do.
Nonetheless, this mod deserve 4/5, well done. -
- 5/5,
For the record, I downloaded simply to rate it five stars for you. I'm installing it through steam however. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE ZELDA STUFFS
Author's Response
Thanks! MORE ZELDA STUFF FTW~ \^-^/ And more to come in the future~
Author's Response
Thanks! The bunny hood is one of my favorite masks from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask! I still like the Ocarina of Time version too.
- 4/5,
Looks great, and those SFX of the Fire and Ice rod are new and great to use! (Im yet eager to know if there anymore new content coming up).
Silvia Freeze
- 5/5,
OMG THIS MOD IS AMAZING, Really good work!!! <3
the only issue i have is the longshot is the same as the hookshots.-
Author's Response
Thanks! ^_^ I am still figuring out the new code for the grappling hook, but I intend to make the longshot twice as long like it states on the description. So, right now it is just a cosmetic thing. I am going to do the clawshots from TP/SS and hopefully add a red dot sight to the two hookshots/1 longshot from OoT/MM in the near future!
- 5/5,
10 of 5 Stars, whoops, too much? Nooo :D I really like this MoD, but you could need some help from a LUAscritper to make some things better for Crafting and Looting. But as it is, this mod is pretty awesome & really close to "Maverick-Hunters MMX Mod" evtl you could let you inspire by this one :) Please, integrate some BossMonsters from The Legend of Zelda-Series & some typical Quests & Dungeons, this would be a nice finish :D :D :D
- 5/5,
I'm so happy you made the teleporter!
I can't give this enough stars, take 'em!!-
Author's Response
Yeah I am glad I could add the Mirror of Twilight to my mod. I can't wait for Twilight Princess HD!
- 5/5,
One of my favourite mod! What an amazing work you've done, thank you so much for that! Now let's criticize a bit... For construction's sake though! ;)
First, I really think some weapons need to be rebalanced (for example, I think the Hylian White Sword is overpowered on its final stage with its huge bouncing beams), and the whole mod is appealing to larger expands, why not include some quests to get the ultimate items in the future, or at least any major ingredients to craft them? I know it's a lot of work t do, but I'm convinced it should definately worth the weight! -
The Alonne
- 5/5,
Nice work on this update! Remember, I can still help beta-test, so if you need anything tested shoot me a message. I'll start us up a private server and we can test whatever necessary.
- 5/5,
Wow! Haven't played Starbound in quite a while, I think the last time I played this mod, it was in it's first few updates. Such an amazing amount of progress! One of the best mods here.
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