Liquid Mixing!
Was tired of liquids awkwardly setting on top of one another
Water mixes with most liquids to produce said liquid
Also made a Liquid Purifier that cleans MOST liquids once its applied add one drop of water and BAM! Pure Water!
Toxic waste Corrupts MOST liquids
Rainbow Absorbs MOST as well
if they both touch they cancel each other out
Fun to play around with see what mixes with what
**Added Super and Regular**
Rainbow Water Grenades
Toxic Waste Grenades
Coffee Grenades
Fuel Grenades
Healing Water Grenades
Core Lava Grenades
Milk Grenades
Nitro Grenades
Swampwater Grenades
Slime Grenades
Collect the liquids & Recycle @ The HydroStation
You can get Liquid Credits that can be exchanged for other liquid or even sold
You can also purchase Liquid Credits
2 X Iron Bars + 1 X Glass Block + 100 Liquid = Regular
2 X Iron Bars + 1 X Glass Block + 1000 Liquid = Super
Crafted with the Grenade Station
**Custom Liquids**
Liquid Purifier- cleans MOST liquids **just add water**
Jam - Strawberry - Blueberry - Mixedberry - Swiming = Wellfed
Chocolate Dark + Milk - Swiming = Wellfed
Quicksand - Slowing effect!
Toxic Waste - Slowfalling and DEADLY!!
Glowing Rainbow water - Glows @@
SpiderDave for .lua help
As always any Question Comments Suggestions or even Criticisms are all welcome!!
Remember to review if you like the mod!!
It helps me to know im taking this mod in the right direction
PLEASE Bug report in the DISCUSSION area NOT IN REVIEW!!!
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Hydrostation 2.7
Custom & Nilla Liquid Mixing/Tanks/Grenades
Recent Updates
- Fixed Pressurized Tanks Aug 17, 2016
- Updated for release Aug 14, 2016
- Rule Breaking Package Delivery Apr 19, 2016