Version 1.9
Compatible with Enraged Koala.
by Hydromancerx
Hydrocraft is my own personal mod that added a bunch of crafting recipes.
Included so far ...
New Objects
New Items
- Hydro's Crafting Table
- Landing Pod
- Space Shuttle
- Design Studio
- Chemistry Lab
- Electronics Lab
- Factory
New Recipes
- Facial Recondition Software
- Gesture Recondition Software
- Voice Recondition Software
- Flash Memory Device
- Plastic
- Floppy Disk
- Aluminum Bars
- Graphine
- Metamaterials
- Hellium 3
- Bioplastic
- Microgenerator
- Plasma Generator
- Organic Photonic Cells
- Nanotubes
- Liquid Metal
- Internal Shockwave Engine
- Magnet
- Resin
- Oil
- Biofuel
- Silicon
I plan to add more recipes in the future. Note these are mainly for my own game for things that were just easier to set as a recipe than to manually convert by hand.
- 1 Oil + 1 Resin = 1 Plastic
- 1 Plastic = 3 Walls Panels
- 1 Clay = 3 Roof Tiles
- 1 Clay = 3 Bricks
- 10 Tar = 1 Oil
- 1 Glass +1 Copper Bar + 1 Iron Bar + 1 Plant Fiber = 5 Light Bulbs
- 3 Circuit Boards = 1 Junk Tech Block
- 1 Junk Tech Block = 3 Circuit Boards
- 9 Steel Blocks = 1 Bunker Vent
- 15 Steel Blocks = 1 Metal Crate
- 2 Iron Bar = 1 Magnet
- 10 Corn = 1 Biofuel
- 10 Potatoes = 1 Biofuel
- 10 Sugar = 1 Biofuel
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Hydrocraft v1.9
Add-on Recipies to other mods.
Recent Updates
- Stand Alone Nov 23, 2014
- Factory Time! Jul 26, 2014
- Bioplastic, Plasma Generators and More! Jul 11, 2014