Humanoid Lyceen
This is a sprite replacement mod that needs the Lyceen race installed to work. Changes the body/legs only to fit within standard humanoid figure, while keeping the general feel of the race. Also changes pants to standard.
You can use this mod with existing characters, and character will be auto changed to the new humanoid appearance. You can remove this mod at any time without issue.
Before n After
If you have any suggestions, comments or critiques I would love to hear from you.
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Nexusmods Profile
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- Do not include this mod in compilations.
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- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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Humanoid Lyceen 0.2.1
This is a sprite replacement mod that needs the Lyceen race installed to work
Recent Updates
- Changes priory to 15 from 5 Dec 8, 2018
- Fixed a conflict with protectorate pants Oct 1, 2018