-Added (the begging of) a new novakid-themed hoverbike.
This will probably be the last update for a while, as this mod is about the bottom of amateur in terms of my modding skills, the mod code itself is low level in terms of my understanding, I basically looked at the vehicle files in the assets and saw what I needed to change.
Also my spriting skills are not the best, I myself am impressed with how well it looks.
I will still try to learn the code and get better at modding, as well as spriting, and hopefully bring much more to this mod than I have the time or energy to atm. I will probably set aside time to go in depth into tutorials and delve into more territory of modding.
Another thing I would like to say is that if anyone has any suggestions or tips or references, I would gladly look them over when I can.
Thank you and enjoy the mod's last update for a bit.
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Hover Hotrods Alpha 1.4.1 Glad Girrafe
Epic hover-vehicles for your non-standard-style hover-vehicle needs.