The item and interface:
What the bleeding looks like:
- New characters start with a health monitor in their space locker.
- Health Monitors are also available for a cheap at the Infinity Express
- If you don't have a health monitor in your inventory then it's life as normal for you.
Why create it?
My siblings and I were clumsy, not paying attention to our health and dying unexpectedly. In our defense the health bar is way top left!
How to install
Like this
- The beep is the same one triggered upon low-hunger.
Don't worry, the beep won't double up on you if you're both low on health and hunger.
- Configurable in-game
When you activate the health monitor (left clicking on the screen while it's equipped), a window appears allowing you to configure what health percent triggers the beeping and bleeding. It also allows you to enable or disable the health monitor.
- Doesn't drop when you die
- Health monitor settings persist with your character
This mod must be installed on both the server and client. Assuming it's even possible, if someone wants to create a pull request (on github) implementing a reasonable solution to making this client-only then go for it.
Todo ideas
If people find this mod useful then I may work on the following ideas.
- A toggle to disable the blood or beep individually
- Gore mode
- Configurable blood colors
- Automatically consume a heal item
Suggestions welcome
-- End of github copy/paste --
I'm new to modding starbound - so if you happen to check my code and find I could have done things differently/easier then I'd much appreciate it.
To be extremely clear about licensing
I don't care what you do with my code at all. Claim it as your own even. I feel it's a bummer the default is to be so defensive about mods here because that same mentality made starcraft 2 custom maps useless in comparison to starcraft 1.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Health Monitor 0.4
Beeps and bleeds when your health reaches a configurable percent
Recent Updates
- fix bug in windows Jun 24, 2018
- Update health monitor graphic Feb 1, 2018
- Compatibility fix and icon update Jan 21, 2018