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Outdated Healing Bomb Crash Fix 2014-01-14

Fixes the crash bug in Healing Bombs and Healing Gas

  1. Iamgoofball
    Ever been crashed by some jerkface with a gun that fires pink gas? Ever been crashed by accidentally throwing a Heal Bomb?

    This is the result of the broken "healthinitator" status effect. Using this status effect on a player causes an instant crash. I found this crash bug some time ago during the first build of the Beta, and shrugged it off as no one had reported it and only I seemed to know what it was.

    Then griefing mods found it, making this fix needed.

    What this mod does is change "healthinitator" inside of the healing gas to be "health" instead. This makes the bomb heal properly, and prevents you from crashing when griefers use it on you.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Reviews

  1. Thom78100
    Version: 2014-01-14
    eheh nice, that fix was needed since a while, thanks a lot, it really help.
  2. The Grand Mugwump
    The Grand Mugwump
    Version: 2014-01-14
    I like not crashing
  3. Ignify
    Version: 2014-01-14
    We must spread the love!
  4. flyinpancake
    Version: 2014-01-14
    Just need to take the version out and this still works like a dream!
  5. ultrament2
    Version: 2014-01-14
    A much needed fix not included in the game yet.
  6. ApRobo
    Version: 2014-01-14
    awesome mod! thx man very usefull against these assholes :)
  7. stopbuggingme
    Version: 2014-01-14