excelent mod, can u put the emile's armor (and the rest of noble team)?
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Outdated Halo Ultra Halo Ultra V5.2
Spartans never die, they're just MIA.
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
You guys are awesome! This mod is , as far, one of the best ive seen.
- 5/5,
Great Idea, glad to see that this is coming to the game, I think the variety of technology that is in the game is good but would be ever better with the best of the technology from the best sci-fi games.
- 5/5,
This is a dream come true! I applause you so much for adding this excellent mod into my Starbound experience. I can't wait for the next update! :D
- 5/5,
This is an awesome mod man. Of course the weapons are powerful, but if they were weaker than the in-game ones, they wouldn't be viable to use. I suggest having two versions: One with overpowered 1-pixel cost weapons, and one system that's more balanced.
- 5/5,
Awesome mod! I love how you support the community! Keep up the great work and cant wait to see more from you!
x Ov3rL0rD v
- 5/5,
wow just so awesome, i'm glad that you fixed the mod because just didn't want to play starbound with out it ;) awesome job guys
- 5/5,
Fantastic mod! The spriting is great and really accurate, especially with the weapons. One of my favorites on the site. (The brute shot is my fav weapon; Cannon, one shot tree-chopper, and faster than most pickaxes.)
Author's Response
Brute Shot is also my favorite, I like to shoot it straight up into the air and make it rain explosives... good times.
x Ov3rL0rD v
- 3/5,
I'm sorry but the mod is currently not working for me, i am bit disapointed because the older versions were so great.
Author's Response
I have Updated the mod with a fix to the problem.
Please update your review :)
- 5/5,
Great mod, I just don't understand why I can't craft the armor locker or gun rack. It's kinda weird that I can't craft either of them. Can't even craft them at the tabula rasa. Fix???
Author's Response
There is now a fix, please download again :)
- 5/5,
Awesome mod, just what I'm looking for. The Halo sounds to the guns are a wonderful addition making it feel "Halo" the armor looks nice! Looking forward for future updates, overall a wonderful mod though I feel weapons are a tad bit overpowered but it isn't too much of a bother. Good work
Here is some ideas: maybe fight-able Halo enemies, Covenant, Flood, Prometheans ect. Halo theme planets/dungeons
PS- Energy Sword would be a pretty sweet addition too.(;-
Author's Response
The guns will be balanced soon.
I am working on some things and stuff that I imagine you will like.
- 5/5,
Took a little bit figuring out that it was armour....Silly me
Well i love the Idea of the tiers for the armour :)
Just wondering if you would be able to do the tier thing with the weapons as well?
I just don't like running around with 1 shot kill weapon much
Any way love the mod Keep it up-
Author's Response
That is in the works. My next update will be pretty big and that will be part of it.
- 5/5,
I'm eager to see what the author adds next, perhaps a Chupathingy?Maybe marine or creating a covenant race/armor set? Who's to say, but this author actually listened to my problem and worked with me to find and solve it. 5/5 keep up the flow of additions!
Author's Response
pssst elite race with a bunch of armors but dont tell anyone
- 4/5,
After firing the shotgun, I am unable to interact with or place anything.
Author's Response
Please read.
You probably downloaded V2.
You need to download V3.1
Click where it says "CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD!!!"
Author's Response
Press"C" to go to crafting menu then scroll down to the bottom where it says armor locker and gun rack. craft those 2 things then interact with them to craft guns and armor. :)
- 5/5,
The Detail is awesome! I especially love the flood contained in a tube. Perfect for Laboratories :p
Is it ok though if um i ask for a non pak file version of the mod?
I like to fiddle with mods and i dont know how to unpak it :(
Author's Response
Are you having any problems with the game crashing or anything?
specifically with the guns.
- 5/5,
The game now crashes with the guns if you go on the surface with one. I have no idea why but hopefully maybe a fix can be made?
Author's Response
Please send me your log files and I will find a fix.
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