You know that flyer you got from your locker back on Earth? I hope you didn't throw that away because this mod turns that into a memorable poster to commemorate that horrific time your character barely escaped Earth.
All recipes can be made at the Wooden Workbench in four ways:
- Flyer to Poster
- 1 Paper and 1 Orange Dye to Poster
Framed versions:
- Flyer and 1 Timber
- Poster and 1 Timber
The both posters can be scanned Pixel Printed.
Steam Workshop Link:
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Graduation Flyer Poster 1.8
A remnant of your past
Recent Updates
- Icon fixes Jul 12, 2018
- Yellow Poster fix Jul 12, 2018
- New Posters Jul 5, 2018